Christmas tag
I spotted this tag on another blog (Something about Sofia) and thought I’d take part, because how can you not take part in a Christmas tag?
Q. What’s your favourite Christmas movie?
The Snowman is the film I just can’t miss, and I’ll be hoping to introduce N to it this year (along with the new sequel, The Snowman & the Snowdog)

Otherwise, I pretty much love all Christmas films – I’m building up a store of them on my HD recorder, although I know I’ve got to clear out all the other bits I’ve not yet watched or I’ll be running out of room.
Q. Do you stay in your pjs or dress up for Christmas?
Me in my sloppy pjs really isn’t a pretty sight, so it’s definitely get dressed. I like to have a touch of sparkle, but its never a ‘dressy’ christmas.
Q. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
Never heard of opening presents on Christmas eve. We’re definitely Christmas day openers. Post breakfast, and ideally before lunch for me, although the OH would happily just not bother until the end of the day. He just doesn’t get excited, unlike me. I think it’ll be hard to keep N away from the presents this year once he knows what all the boxes mean!
We do have a secret santa that N & I will be opening on Christmas Eve though so we can share with online friends the opening.
Q. Weirdest present you’ve ever got?
I’m not sure I’ve ever had a weird present, it’s more likely to just be unsuitable…like dodgy cartoon nightshirts when I was younger, a bad tiny crotcheted dress (hideous), and too many chocolates/biscuits – which take ages to get eaten and goes totally against trying to diet.
Q. Best present you’ve ever got?
Anything that I’d forgotten I’d have hinted about…the OH is good at things when I’ve not told him (eg he got me a little CD/radio player for the kitchen that I’d mentioned ages before), but not so great when I’m specific as if I’ve researched that means I want a specific item, not a generic one (although they’ve always ended up ok in the end). An ipod was pretty good – although I’d been told to order it myself!
Q. What are your favourite Christmas things to do?
I’m just starting all the Christmas traditions with N…an advent calendar, christmas crafts, a little nativity set, watching The Snowman on Christmas eve. But otherwise, things I enjoyed growing up were going to Midnight Mass to get some good singing of Christmas carols, christmas dinner, putting the tree up and seeing all the sparkly fairy lights. Although we don’t have outside lights, I love to see all the houses in town with them. I’m planning to drive N past the brightest areas to experience the Christmas lights. The classiest decorations I’ve seen so far is an amazing house in a village near us – they’ve ‘wrapped’ their front door like a parcel with a huge red ribbon and have box trees either side of the door with lights on. It looks so beautiful.
Q. What do you do on Christmas eve?
Usually the OH’s family do a christmas eve dinner at the pub. But this year it’s at lunchtime – kind of works better with a young toddler, especially as it means I can do my planned ‘christmas eve’ hamper, where he gets new pjs, we can watch Christmas videos, read Christmas books, and put his stocking up. As he gets older I’d like to go to midnight mass again (if we can ever work out in time which of the churches in our villages will actually hold the service as they rotate it between several churches).
Q. Real or fake tree?
Fake one. I can’t be doing with picking up needles, and a fake one can look just as nice. So far, it’s not gone up yet as it’s still in the roof – must get OH to get it down so we can decorate it before it’s too late.
Q. Giving or receiving presents?
I love to plan the right presents for people, although over the years you do run out of ideas. And I love spending an afternoon wrapping while Christmas music plays. But I also love getting presents. People say I’m really hard to buy for so actually I tend to get boring money now. I think when you get your own money and can afford to buy what you want when you want it, it can take some of the magic away of getting presents as you can sometimes be disappointed. I do always think it’s a shame that I’d love to get lots of the presents I buy for other people, but have never been bought anything like those. Shame
Q. Handmade Christmas cards or bought?
Usually bought. I’ve made some in the past, and do have some ideas of homemade ones for the future, but time goes against me (plus the fact I always buy cards in the sales). N has made a few this year, but they’re not v classy given he’s an almost 2 year old!
Q. What’s your favourite Christmas food and drink?
I love Christmas dinner. Turkey, stuffing, roasts, brussels, chestnut sauce, the whole shebang. But I hate christmas pudding, cake and mince pies. And this year I’ve discovered Mulled Cider. A friend recommended it when we were at Winter Wonderland and I’m a convert. I’ve bought all the bits and will be making it this year.
Q. What’s your favourite Christmas song?
I do love most Christmas music, but my absolute favourite is Shakin Stevens “Merry Christmas Everyone”
So that’s how I roll at Christmas. If you want to take part in the Christmas tag, do leave me a link so I can check out what you get up to.