Balancing act with a pogo stick for kids
There’s nothing like getting outside on the farm, and with all the fields around and a large garden we’re lucky enough just to walk out of the house and be somewhere that children can play in a safe environment (once they’ve learnt to watch out for cars coming up the drive).
I’ve always wanted a pogo stick, ever since a childhood friend on our estate had one. We were lucky enough to be sent a pogo stick for kids to try out. I’m very jealous that the nephews, niece (and in a year or so, N) get to give it a go.
We were sent the Pogo Ace pogo stick. It’s a hard core pogo stick, really solid and feel like it’d be really sturdy to use. The foamy material over the top of the metal gives it a softer feel, but you know from feeling it, that it should last week over the years.
The pogo stick has anti-slip foot pads, and safety handles (the soft foam coming into play, on the handles as well as the main stem of the pogo stick).
The pogo stick is aimed at age 5 to 9 (up to 36kg), so N’s got a bit of growing to go to use it. So it was over to one of the nephews and his sister to test it out for me. They’re pretty dare devil and like circus skills so I was betting that they’d already be good on a pogo stick. I was right.

The nephew is actually 10, but he found the pogo stick ok size wise. His first comment on being handed it was ‘Wow, this is so much better than our one. It’s really bouncy’. So tick from the nephew. He found it worked really well on both grass and the patio, there was no slippiness on either surface.
Then it was time for our 8 year old niece to have a go. She gave it a good attempt, and also claimed the Ace Pogo stick to be really bouncy. She went for the safe version – wearing trainers, although the school dress did get in the way a bit.
By this stage, another cousin (age 13) turned up. Of course he wanted a go, but quickly gave up realising that he was too heavy and that he couldn’t get it to bounce. He’d need to opt for the pogo stick King model for age 9+. Being male, my brother even wanted to get in on the act, despite him obviously being too heavy. It shows how substantial the pogo stick is for it still to be in working order after too heavy people trying it out (unsuccessfully).
After they’d had their fill of the pogo stick, it was time for N to get a lift on his gator. His cousins really look after him well, and he loves spending time with them.
Next thing it was time for some metal detecting with my brother. Of course, children just want the excitement of finding something and my brother had found that there was a long area that was setting off the detector, so we all headed into the field to dig it up. Unfortunately it was sighs all round. No treasure, but instead was electric fence wire that had got buried in the ground in a line.
Even the cows had got intrigued to see what was going on.
For a final go, we headed just back into the garden to have another go at what we could find. This dig just turned up a penny, but N still got excited about it. I think my brother may have additional helpers when they’re not in school.
There was just one more go on the pogo stick before heading home, as they went off telling their mum about the pogo stick that was better than theirs and their metal detecting finds.
The Ace pogo stick is currently on offer at £26.99 (down from £49.99) on Amazon, with the King pogo stick also discounted. For families who want to try a new skill, and improve their balance at the same time, they’ll last a good few years (or through several children) so I think, worth the money.
Disclosure: We were sent this pogo stick for kids to review. All words and opinions are our own. If you’re in Europe, you can buy the pogo stick on
Wow, pogoing certainly isn’t easy, your peeps make it look like so much fun! #LivingArrows
This looks GREAT fun and such a tiring activity too! I could never do it, I was useless! I know my twins will love to have one when they’re old enough. Jess x
It’s one of those activities that kids seem to be able to do for hours, and then kills an adult after 2 minutes! Great fun though.
I’m well over the weight limit. The 13 year old was way too heavy so no chance for me! Think I’m even over the limit on the King size version.