Month of Firsts – November
I can’t believe it’s December already. Everything’s whizzed by the last couple of months, and it’s time to do my third Month of Firsts round up for last month.
I thought I would be struggling this month compared to the big things we managed to achieve last month, but when I widen the firsts to more than N I realised we’ve managed to still do quite a lot this month gone.
In November, we…
Drew…pictures for other people
Obviously this was one of N’s firsts. He’s only just recently started drawing pictures that are easily identifiable (square people), so it’s great to see what comes home with him from nursery. Usually they would be dumped on the side, but this month he was drawing pictures of specific people for them. I’m not sure Granny and Gramps were that thrilled to see their portraits. Granny in particular was give a lot of arms!
I think now that N can see what he’s drawing can mean and look like something, it means he wants to do more drawing.
Dived…for Sinkies
Saturday’s swimming lesson felt like a big step forward for N. Ok, so he wasn’t keen on doing a star float (I wish he’d make up his mind sometimes), but he didn’t moan about having to dive to pick up the sinkies on the bottom of the pool. Yes, he wanted me to go down with him (I didn’t, instead I just put him under enough so he could head down), but for the first time ever he actually put out a hand and managed to grab the sinky each time. Next step is to get him to actually swim down himself once he’s under the water.
Hosted…a Farmers’ Bloodhounds meet
We don’t usually get involved with the hunt near us, but last weekend the farm hosted the ‘farmers’ bloodhounds’ meet. Instead of a proper hunt, this was for the hounds and horses to run out and chase a ‘runner. I’ll do a separate post, but it was the first for our family, and was a really nice social event, seeing everyone helping out as the riders met up before setting off.
N had a great time spending time with his cousins….and eating cake.
Ate…at Carluccios
Another foody first was eating out at Carluccios. And because it was at the Bicester Village one, on a Sunday in November, it was packed so we had to queue to wait for a table.
I was really impressed. My meal was delicious, and although N chose a toasted sandwich as part of his children’s meal rather than pasta (absolutely unheard of), he really enjoyed it, especially his fruit salad. They really treated him well, tried to chat to him in the queue, showed him his little activity pack, and entertained him, just because he found the waiters’ hats really funny.
Bought…a proper camera
Finally, my personal first is that after quite a bit of research I finally made a decision about cameras and have bought my first proper camera. I say proper camera, but really I mean one with interchangable lenses and one that I’ll have to make an effort to really use manual, rather than with my brilliant superzoom compact which I loved, but am pretty lazy with.
I’d have probably dawdled for ages, but I’d decided on a compact system camera finally, and then jumped in when I saw one I’d been ogling on Amazon’s black friday deals, and managed to sell a couple of cameras floating round and claimed my cashback to cover some of the cost and for an extra lens. So far I’ve been really happy with it. I’ve read the manual, signed up for an online starter ‘manual’ course before I can get on a local photography course (I’m thinking Christmas vouchers). Next I need to save my pennies for a good zoom lens, and wish for a macro lens in future. I can’t wait to get stuck in properly (the photos in this post were taken with my compact or phone – can’t remember which)..
If you want to check out similar Compact System Cameras, you can find them on my affiliate link (mine’s the Panasonic GX7)
So that’s our November month of firsts. I’d love to hear what firsts you’ve been going through this month and you can link up below.
You can link up a first for your children, you or your family in general, it could be one or many, a big event or a small first. Anything that is important to you and a first in your life. Just add the badge, and link it up below.

What a lovely month you guys had! I love that you’ve been diving for sinkies! What an awesome activity to do! x
I don’t think N would choose to do it (and I have to shove him under because he won’t swim himself down!)
It looks like you had such a lovely month. That Carluccios fruit salad looks gorgeous! I am desperate for a proper camera – hope you are enjoying it. Thank you for linking to #PoCoLo 🙂 x
I am loving my new camera. Just need to get a bag so I can take it out and about. At the moment I’m only really using it indoors. Also need to get a zoom lens. Hoping I can use some John Lewis vouchers I’ve got floating around.
Thanks for stopping by
Lovely month of first’s – so great when they start doing recognisable drawings, love seeing their imagination at work. That’s a lovely photo of N enjoying his fruit salad at Carluccios. I had a compact system camera (Panasonic Lumix GX1) and I love it – it’s a nice balance of having the increased functionality without being too big. #PoCoLo
I do love the Panasonic. This is my third one, and I’ve been pleased with the choice. The GX1 did keep cropping up as well. I have to admit, I was surprised at the size of the CSC – I think I thought they’d be the same size as a compact with a lens, which obviously they would never be. But mine does feel reassuringly heavy. Hopefully heavy enough that N will be put off trying to play with it!
I also got a new cams but not as proper. I now need to get the lens as the one that goes w/ the cams is rubbish!
i wish I can see your photos or maybe you can post a photography entry. I am so not learning. I am having a hard time learning it and I need real lessons. My photos are all white sadly =(
I’ve just signed up for an online photography course in the new year, but want to do a proper one in real life too. There’s not much near us though.
There’s lots of advice on blogs – Emily Beale photography has some I think, but also sign up for help topics from digital photography school. Great snapshots, that once you know the basics, you can learn in bitesize pieces and it’s free. I’ve found that I now know the basics theory, it’s putting it into practice. I’ve got a pinterest photo board that’s got lots of tips.
I’m mostly only using mine at home at the moment (brilliant in low winter light) because I’ve asked for a proper camera bag for Christmas so haven’t got anything to take it out in.
I forget we still have firsts after they are little. Must try and link up soon. My OH likes Carluccios. Think I’ve just chosen the wrong things. X
I’m quite fussy with food, but there was actually quite a lot I fancied on the menu.
Do come and link up – it’s open for another couple of weeks. Thanks for stopping by