Month of Firsts 9 – climbing and theme parks
N seems to be growing every time I look at him (it’s an illusion because he hasn’t grown much), and progressing in his language, focus and enjoyment of sitting down and concentrating on writing and drawing. But that means he developing skills he already has rather than picking up anything new.
This month seems to mostly have been about climbing though.
In May, N has
A tree. Yes, his first tree climb and all on his own. Well, apart from the initial suggestion from me. The next step is to teach him how to get down again.
Into and out of the bath on his own. This one was a bit of a surprise. For ages we’ve been having to lift him in and out of the bath, and now he can do it on his own (although I think an extra cm leg growth might make it a bit more comfortable!). So now he’ll be happier getting into the bath because we let him do it, rather than him running all over the house to avoid getting in. It’s brilliant because he’s growing taller and is really getting too heavy to lift, so really saves our backs.
It’s definitely a sign he’s growing up.
Been to a theme park
We had Legoland tickets, so N has now been to a theme park. And within that, it included going on a pretty fast ride. The fastest he’s ever been on. And a ride that his dad definitely wouldn’t get on. I’m hoping N takes after me with a love of scary rides (although the Alton Towers disaster is bound to make his dad moan more about me taking N to theme parks or the fair in future).
I wasn’t sure that he would stay in the queue once he’d seen how fast the ride was, but he did (along with some other children who looked a lot younger still), and loved it. I think he’s going to be like me, a laugher rather than a screamer on rides!
Mastered turning on the television
While N’s been able to put on and change dvds for a while now, early mornings have seen me being yelled for to ‘turn the telly on please mummy’. But the other day I heard him stomping down stairs, and then the tv going on, followed by a rock dvd blaring out. Our tv is a bit complicated because we tend to watch it through the HD recorder for easy viewing, recording and quieter volume on my ears (vs through the tv which always seems to be louder), so I’m not sure how much he actually mastered, but it’s good to know I don’t necessarily need to go downstairs before 6am if he’s got that.
What things have you or your family achieved this month? Do come and link up any firsts posts you have.

Well done, N! We’re annual pass holders at Legoland so we know our way round well, but I’m struggling to get our boys to be a bit more adventurous with which rides they go on. They love it, though – every trip there is always keenly anticipated.
It’d be great to live close enough to go more regularly especially after school, outside holiday time. There is so much to do, much more than I expected. N did say he wanted to go on the river raft ride, we queued a while, I got bird poo on me after it fell on the ground next to us, and then after reaching the top he decided he didn’t want to go on it. I wasn’t impressed! I think I need to build him up. He’s not too good on rides that go on for too long (ie circular ones like at the fair)
Well done to N! You and my husband would get on great! Apparently we’re going to Alton Towers next week for his birthday. I don’t like theme parks and didn’t want to go even before the disaster! My kids can’t wait!
Oh no. Guess you’ll end up being bag holder. Although there’s nice gardens/house there to walk round. And crazy golf. Or head to the hotel for spa? Although personally that’s not my cup of tea at all.