Month of Firsts linky – February
February’s seen a few big milestones hit by N. Of course not the traditional ones, because he’s past much of the normal milestone stages, but plenty of big firsts. And these ones have also meant big firsts for me as well.
In February, N has
Been out for the day without us
He was invited out for his best friend’s birthday treat with his family. He had no qualms about going off with them, and hasn’t stopped mentioning it since. Something that his friend’s dad did or said, what they ate etc. So cute, although definitely a sign that my little boy isn’t so little anymore.
Been to the cinema
On his trip out above, it involved a trip to the cinema to see Peppa Pig. N has never been to the cinema before, so I was a little sad I didn’t experience that first trip with him. I was also a little concerned that he might not sit still, but apart from wanting to his on his friend’s mum’s knee for half of it, he really enjoyed it and was talking about it lots afterwards. It seems I’ll have to look out for suitable films for us to go and see.

Been to new swimming lessons
At the beginning of February, N graduated from Water Babies. We’d swum with them since he was just over 3 months old, so it was a pretty big change. Although many of the children in our class could swim 10 metres on their own, or most of that distance, N was taking his time and hadn’t got anywhere near that. But he’d made great progress in other skills – listening, discipline, enjoying the water, going underwater to pick up sinkies, jumping in, swimming with a woggle.
But we’ve now moved on to general swimming lessons at the same pool. N’s first lesson was this Saturday and it went a lot better than I thought it might. So hopefully all will be well, and him going into the pool alone and with a float belt will help give him confidence.
Go N. What a great lot of firsts. Thank you for joining in with Linked
Aw what a lovely list and wow first day of independence. I’d find that so scary. what a confident little boy you’ve grown #Linked
I think it would have been different it we’d not known the family, but I knew he’d be fine with them