Fun party bag ideas for 6 and 7 year olds
It’ll be N’s birthday in the next month, so we’re in party planning mode. Well, I say we. N keeps changing his mind over the type of party he wants, or whether he wants on at all.
The plan is that we’re having a joint party with his best friend because their birthdays are close together. It’s no brainer given they’re in the same class, and know similar people outside of school as well.
Click for my Tips to organise and host pain free birthday parties
So the mum and I have asked the 2 boys for input – of course they want different themes (N asked for pirates, but he didn’t want to join in at the last pirate party, and refuses to go in fancy dress to parties as well!), but we’re exploring a couple of cool options.
My mind turn to party bags. While I hate the tat side of things (and am hoping that the party we decide on will include something for the kids to make and take away), a party bag of some sort is inevitable.

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My aim is always to just provide a piece of cake and a decent present. Given most party bag contents probably cost around £3 each once you’ve got the bubbles, plastic bits, note/colouring books, balloons, pencils etc in, I’m sure we can find a whole lot of different items that could deliver on long-lasting fun and more practical or useful than bog standard party bags.
The best party favour N’s had so far was the pirate party where they were given a blank treasure chest, stickers, chocolate coins and could take them home to decorate them. Great idea and well themed. My favourite party bag item that we did was a parafoil pocket kite. They’re really good kites, although I admit I did go through painful times trying to a) find enough in the country, and b) trying to negotiate on the prices when I wanted all the stock but not enough to class as wholesale. I’ve still got a few left though which I really should put on ebay.
Here’s my non-boring kids party bag ideas for 6-7 year olds
For slightly older children, check out my post on party bag fillers for 8-10 year olds
Not kiddy versions, but a proper harmonica*. Around Christmas time you can get really good chunky ones (N had one in his stocking a few years ago) for under a fiver. But I’ve also spotted them in Flying Tiger, Home Bargains as well as being able to get them online. Apart from the chunky one we have, the others aren’t as heavy and good quality, BUT, the great thing about harmonicas is that even with toddlers blowing them, they still sound quite good.
Activity packs
Now, I’m not thinking activity books. Maybe N’s the only child out there who isn’t fussed about activity or sticker books. I’m thinking activity packs…something crafty put together for the child to do. It could be a hama beads board and beads, or mini plate or mug with ceramic paint or pens, or these cool *scratch art keyrings. You could always buy a bulk lot and put 1 or 2 colours with each plate to go in the bags. Or t-shirt and couple of fabric pens.
Goo or silly putty
Yes parents might hate goo and worry about it going on the carpet and everywhere round the house. But if you get good stuff it doesn’t stick to anything. Look for slime that has toy inserts too (we had some great Scooby Doo ones in the past) and we’ve given them as gifts or prizes before. The goo is weird, it sticks to the figures, but it feels quite dry once you’ve removed it from your fingers, and you can easily pick it off a table, floor or wherever else if your children are mucky. We do tend to get it out in the kitchen so no carpet to worry about, but it’s great stuff.
Pocket Kite
These simple *pocket kites in a bag are great for younger children’s party bags as well. They always fly, look great, come in their own bag, and are a great gift. I got mine wholesale and off ebay cheaper than the rsp with a bit of negotiation.
Mini plush animals
You can get bulk packs of these soft toys, some with key rings, and they’re perfect for little hands. Let children do a lucky dip for their party favour, or just hand out random ones in the bags
N is just getting into his frisbee so perfect for age 4+. Find a reasonably weighted one and good enough size for kids to grab onto but not so it’s unmanageable. Supermarkets sometimes have them and good toy shops, but don’t just get 99p ones. They won’t fly properly. The only problem is fitting it in a party bag!
Trading cards
If you’re having a themed party, why not try trading cards. A football party would be great to add a couple of packs of the latest football league trading cards to the party bags.
Novelty pen and notepad
Novelty pens always go down well and a plain paper notepad with a fun cover is going to be popular for lots of children.

The hardest bit about going for alternative party bags is finding enough in stock and getting a good price.
Tips on buying in bulk for party bags
- With ebay sometimes you can find items on there, but often there’s not enough in stock.
- Amazon doesn’t always have the best prices so do check other specialist outlets.
- Wholesalers usually have a minimum price (not all require you to be a trader, but they’ll still usually have a minimum order value.
- Don’t forget to check postage. Often postage will be for one item and combined. Check first if there’s a reduced price for multiple orders.
- Negotiate. If you’re buying in store and buying 25 items, ask for a discount. If shopping online, email them and ask if they’ll do you a lower price. Quite often for multiple purchases they will.
- If items aren’t in stock in the UK, rethink. You don’t want to miss the party because you’re waiting for items to be shipped over from China.
- Buy from different stockists if you can’t find enough in stock in one place.
- Buy for the number of children you’ve invited, not for those you think might come. You wouldn’t want to be short.
- If buying from a wholesaler with a minimum order value, don’t buy other things for the sake of it. Try and find another person who’d like the same items or others from the same wholesaler, and share the order value/postage.
Of course, you can potentially avoid handing out party packs, by having activities during the party and sending the children home with their makes.
Check out my party bags for 8-9 year olds and goody bags for 10-11 year old posts too.
Do you do party bags? What kind of things do you include in them?
Pin the post to come back later.

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I always ask why do kids need a party bag? Because tradition says so? Because parents feel they should? Or because the invited children expect them?
Totally agree plastic tat is a waste of money and very eco unfriendly.
Great ideas, my kids love activity packs!
We did a seaside themed party for Darcey last summer (we’d just returned from our holiday in Cornwall) and sent everyone home with a bucket & spade, beach ball & one of those foil stars that spin in the wind and they went down a treat with 1-4 year olds. We found it all in the little seaside shops and (we thought!) it was much nicer than a plastic bag with a crayon and a pot of bubbles!
That’s a genius idea. Love that. N would have loved those goodies.
I will have to bookmark this for the boys future birthday parties. I hate giving kids a bag of just sugary treats going home so these are great alternatives!
Yep, I hate greasy Haribo and that always seems to be what’s in them. Vile. Thanks for commenting
Very clever idea to get the kids involved in more games and activities rather than stuffing them full of sweets!
That’s definitely all I got as a child x
I prefer N to have chocolate, and don’t give him hard lollies/I hate Haribo, so some party bags are a nightmare!
Party bags have really come up in the world since I was a child! All we ever got was a piece of cake and some sweets but we were delighted! The robot grabber sounds like something my son would like.
N’s obsessed with it. They litter pick at school with grabbers, and it makes tidying up more exciting for him (although takes ages!)
I am not a fan of party bags as like you, I don’t really like providing a bag of tat! I tend to try and buy things in the sales, so you get a better item at a reduced price. That is the super savvy saver in me! I got some great things in the Smiggle sale
Ooh I wish I had a smiggle near us. Yes, sales are great, as long as you know how many you’re buying for, otherwise you end up with tonnes of it left (or horror, not enough for everyone!)
Some really fun ideas here! Last year my son had a party at a soft play but party bags were provided. I had looked at making party bags for my daughter for this year, but I hate the idea of paying a lot of money for cheap plastic tat that’s going straight in the bin when they get home!
I love the idea of goo, who doesn’t love goo?
I know. Parents might not, but the kids love it!
Love these ideas! They’re fun and also useful! x
I love these ideas, much more fun than sweets and stickers! I’m a fan of bubbles in party bags, you know those little tubes where you blow the bubbles. They are non-messy and keep kids amused for ages
I love the idea of silly putty and it’s one of the things i’d have liked when I was younger! Thanks for the fab tips and i’ll pin your post to my birthday party board