Project 365 2017 week 42
It’s week 42 of Project 365, and here’s this week’s photos.
On Sunday we went to Millets farm to go pumpkin picking. The most important part according to N is getting the right wheelbarrow.

On Monday it was the start of zero waste food packaging at work. And roast chicken leftovers.

On Tuesday, I finally saw a pretty sunrise with all the contrails.

On Wednesday it was a normal work and school day. This is the state of our living room and has been for a while. It’s a farm sale evidently. Although it would be nice if all the unused bits were tidied up.

On Thursday we had some more rain, and I nipped out to take some photos of the now very wind and water swept flowers.

On Friday I took N to Banbury fair. I love the fair, and he usually likes it but this year, he said he was too hungry to go on rides so we didn’t stay long.

On Saturday we didn’t get up to much. After swimming N likes to go out on the farm, but his dad wasn’t around for a while. So he went over to wait at the farm for him and I spotted him under the car port teasing the pup with the new lead.

Sounds like a good week! Aww bless he was to hungry for the rides! I don’t think that would bother my two…. they would rather ride than eat! Yep our living room is pretty much full of toys most days!
It would be nice it we could have toy free rooms occasionally. Unfortunately N won’t play in his room so brings everything downstairs!
I also laughed at the hungry bit, bit a shame the evening was spoilt. Surprised they did not have burger stalls etc selling food galore, but then feeding him to pop him on a ride may not be a good idea.
Poor pup being teased, but probably having as much fun as N is, which was a lot judging by th smiling face,
They did have stalls but he wanted fish and chips, and we had to take some back to the OH afterwards. So eating there wasn’t really practical
Love the photo of the raindrops on the petals, beautiful. N does look happy in that last photo, and being ‘too hungry’ for the fair made me smile 🙂
Definitely my error on the hungry front. We usually have an hour inbetween school and tennis and he has a sandwich or snack, but totally forgot because it was an inset day. Poor thing. Next year we’ll do the fair earlier because hopefully his tennis will be a bit later.
I love that N was ‘too hungry’ for the fair – better than eating too much before a fair I think! He looks so happy in the photo with the dog lead.