Project 365 – week 36 photo a day
It’s week 36 of taking a photo every day for Project 365, and this week’s been back to lots of photo taking (well, except one day where I nearly forgot!). It’s helped the weather’s warmed up a bit, but I was a bit surprised by how many I’ve taken of N gardening! I don’t even like gardening, so where he’s got it from, I have no idea.

Sunday: We went to Bourton-on-the-Water for the day. It’s like a magical place, where the weather always seems to be sunny, especially for the crowds who turn up to check out the Cotswold town. After lunch N wanted an ice cream, but the only place that did sorbet only have lemon which he’s not keen on, so we had to have a lolly instead. Hardship!

Monday: after nursery we were pottering in the garden. Well, really I was there to check on my tomatoes. Next thing I knew, N had found his one mitten from the back room, and was weeding using his makeshift gardening glove. I’ve no idea where he’s got that from as I never use gloves for the very little gardening I do.

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Tuesday: the day of panic. I bought a Nutribullet a few week’s ago which I love. The only downside is that N always wants to try some, so I never get a full cup to myself. Tuesday I did my usual spinach, and fruit combo. N wanted a cup for himself, so I put a beaker on the side for him to drink, saying ‘you have to drink it in the kitchen’. I go outside, next thing I hear a scream and run in the patio doors to see N sitting on the floor having tripped over his scooter…moaning about the drink being spilt on his hand. Nevermind the load of slop and splashes all over the carpet in the back room. Cue panic at how to get spinach stains out of carpets.
Tips: vodka supposedly works. Or bicarb mixed to a paste with water or vinegar. I had some carpet cleaning mousse, and thankfully 2 lots of that, and leaving it overnight seemed to do the trick. Argh, to children not doing what you say and taking drinks into other places.

Wednesday: another evening outside, and N was back on the trampoline. I loved the way he lined his sandals up on the edge…and mostly he just ran round it like a nutter. Maybe that’s what I should do to get fit. It seriously exhausts me doing that.

Thursday: Didn’t realise my photo was so blurry, but I have a red tomato. Finally, after weeks and months of green tomatoes. Not only that, but another bunch is turning red too, so I shall have at least 7 red tomatoes. If the caterpillars don’t get them first.

Friday: N wanted to help with the watering. I have been quite slack about watering the flowers, so I was happy for N to dribble water from his watering can, while I watered the tomatoes. I love the ‘stompy’ awkward body on this photo.

Saturday: We did go to Moreton Show today, but I’ll do a separate post on that. This one was taken this morning. Now N’s in his final year of nursery school he gets homework. Well, learning phonics books to read with parents. I’m a tad concerned as I never learnt phonics and picked reading up quickly so I’ve no idea how I learnt back 30 odd years ago. Last night he had a meltdown and refused to look at the book with me so I thought that would be it for a while.
Instead this morning, after breakfast, he decided that he wanted to do some of his workbooks. Not the one from nursery, but the Parragon Books Gold Star summer workbook that he hasn’t want to do all summer (when I could remember where I’d put it!). So he sat and did 4 pages of that, got 4 gold stars. Then he made a card, and did lots of cutting up a sheet of paper. And finally wanted the playdoh out. Usually, he doesn’t want to do any rolling himself, but today he was using a pen as a rolling pin, cutting out shapes with cutters and ‘making biscuits’. So nice to see him trying to do things himself on the arty side, which usually he’s not that fussed about.
Wonderful gardening photographs, and I completely understand your enthusiasm for your red tomato; I’ve had a few of those recently and it’s rewarding.
Thanks for linking up to Project 365.
My little man runs around the trampoline like a nutter too! #project365
Glad it’s not just mine. I do wonder sometimes about him!
What a lovely set of pictures. I really love the “gardening glove” one, so sweet! x
Awww some lovely images and a budding little gardener there 🙂
That nutri bullet looks fab! I’m going to have to get myself one of those too. And well done on your tomatoes…. I’m starting to get a few red ones now after weeks of green; hasn’t been warm enough, so I’ve been plying them with liquid veg food!
I’ve done the same, getting the tomato feed in the watering. Thankfully last week was nice and warm and dry, and hoping this week will be too. I was panicking earlier on as everyone else seemed to have theirs going red, but I know there’s lots still waiting too.
ooh I really want a nutribullet. I worry it will just be one of those things that gets stashed to the back of the cupboard and never used though!
Yep, that’s the way my smoothie maker, bread maker and steamer went. This doesn’t take up much room so could sit on the worksurface – mine’s in a cupboard. It’s just handy to use for breakfast or for a quick snacky meal.
I have thought about buying a nutribullet. How have you got on with it? Glad you managed to get the stains out of your carpet
I really like it. Although the intention was to use it for more veg, but most of the veg you use is leafy green which doesn’t go well with the warfarin I’m on. N loves it too.
Those tomatoes are going to be so good!! Love your little gardener! 🙂
awww Emma i would have been totally freaking out with green stains! i have to say thought i am going to start looking at fruits and veg i can make into drinks 🙂
Oh yes, I was panicking when the first lot of stain remover didn’t go, and then read that spinach is the worst. Our carpet isn’t the best as it’s really old and manky, but even so. I was debating rugs!
My tomatoes are all still green, hoping they start to turn red soon.
It seems to have taken months from them first appearing. Just lucky to have had this last week of sun/warmth. Hope it continues a bit longer
Love the photo of him weeding with his little mitten! 🙂
He never wants two gloves. Strange boy!