Project 366 2016 week 45
This week’s Project 366 is week 45 and getting desperately close to the end of year.
On Sunday we had a last minute trip to the opticians for N. He’d been saying he couldn’t read his spelling which were smaller than previously, so we got his eyes checked out. His eyes are fine though, so that’s reassuring.

On Monday I didn’t take any photos apart from a sunrise one in the morning. I don’t catch many of them at the moment because I’m usually in the shower.

On Tuesday my brother popped over. He lives in an old cottage flat and it’s like an ice box, so he likes to come and sit by the fire. N likes him being there so he can rope him into playing with all his farming toys, many of which my brother handed down to him.

On Wednesday I caught N finishing off his maths homework. He does love his maths, and this week it’s been about learning the time. He got everything right, but then at the end of he week he didn’t hand in his homework book so won’t get any of this week’s marked!

On Thursday work had their apple crumble bake off competition. A few people had brought in their apple gluts so a new tradition has started. These amazing crumbles didn’t win, but they looked amazing.

On Friday I looked out the window to see this pink sunrise, and the 2 bulls in our field enjoying a walk around.

On Saturday it was a horrible wet day, so we haven’t done much. N decided that he wanted to make up a game using his junior monopoly pieces. I’m not sure he was impressed that I beat him. I love that he is happy to make up his own games and that he can explain them well enough for someone else to understand them.

an apple crumble bake off sounds fab! and those pretty desserts look so good – the winning crumble must have been amazing if those beauties did not win. Your fire does look cosy, no wonder your bother likes to pop over, although i suspect playing with toys has something to do with his visit too lol! x
Those apple crumbles do look devine. Lovely that your brother has such nice time with N. I wish my brother had the time to spend with Monkey, they’d be playing trains if they did. Well done with getting his homework done even if he did forget to hand it in, it’s only this school year that Monkey seems to remember to hand his in on time #366
I would happily come and sit by that fire too – looks so toasty. The apple crumbles look fab – one of my favourites.
Love the pink sky, it looks really warming. Lol at your brother coming round for a warm, but works well at least you can have some time off entertaining N
He used to come round a lot, but he’s kind of got a new woman so we’re not seeing him as much.Nice to see him for sure.
Ah don’t say that. I keep thinking I must get organised and then forget or get distracted.
That’s very impressive that N can make up his own games and explain them! What a shame that he forgot to hand his maths in. Those little apple puddings look delicious!
Those crumbles do look amazing – if it had been on looks alone I’m sure they’d have won. Glad N’s eyes are ok.