Project 52 2021 week 48
It’s the start of winter this week, and the weather definitely agreed. We’ve had a bit of snow, high winds, a little rain, and it’s looking typically winter going foward too. N has finally succumbed to joggers for playing tennis in, but apart from the day with snow, he’s still been in shorts for school. Brrr.
Here’s our week 48 for Project 52.
Sunday was cold. The forecast had looked ok til 11ish, then when it got too late to cancel the B team tennis match, it changed again to say sleet showers. As it was a home match I went down to support them, and crikey it was very cold. Extreme tennis. I’d hoped they’d whip through their matches, but 10 year olds seem to work everything slowly. So once the snow came they still hadn’t finished. They battled on through a couple of showers, before we called it a day in the doubles. It was looking like it was going to be a long match, going to a decider, so we gave them the match as they were leading in the doubles. Good play and resilience by our girls, but shame the forecasts can’t agree and be more accurate earlier in the morning.
We had a sprinkling of snow overnight on Monday, and the sunrise was beautiful through the snowy trees. My trip to the post office at lunch time had me wondering who did the decorating. They’d added white netting and Barbie pink ribbons across the windows like gift wrapping, and around the door. Hideous, garish, and I’m surprised noone in the village has asked them to decorate slightly more in keeping with the beautiful country buildings. Still, it made me smile…my brother lives just along from there, and he was a tad amused too.
On Tuesday I hit my biggest ever month traffic wise on the blog, even beating last December and January which were huge for me. This year has continued last year’s huge growth although I’ve still got over 10k to go to get to ad network level. Maybe by next Christmas. Another bonus, my hyacinth has been growing back again. The leaves are going a bit over the top, but I don’t know if it’ll flower again. The advent calendar’s out again, and N is loving getting chocolate each morning again!
Wednesday I picked up my crochet hook and wool again. I wanted to make myself a hat, and managed one in an evening. N laughed because it’s a slouchy hat rather than a beanie, so he thinks it looks like a french beret. I’m now trawling free patterns online, and am obsessed with looking for nice wool. N’s private tennis lesson was cancelled due to the rain.
On Thursday my INR was again within range. Yay. It means I’m back up to 6 weeks gap which is good. N got to try his new football boots at football club. He’s proclaimed them very good, and his friend told him they looked ‘cool’.
Friday was my shorter work day.. Not much else has been going on. He had his tennis private which went well. His coach advised to wait until he’s got his more consistent technique before moving up to normal yellow ball, and gradually working up to it. It means we’ll be off matches until probably March, because he doesn’t want him to lose the technique he’s now getting stronger on. So although they’ll all be old enough to move up, he’ll play them with both balls til he’s happy they’re ready to move up,
He also had his group session which was good too. Fewer children there which always helps with the amount they can cover off. It sounds like we might lose his second private in the week because the club seem to be pushing back on the coaches having access to the courts 3 nights a week. But apart from Fridays, they only use 1 court on 2 nights, and that’s only 2 kids each night. So it doesn’t give us much chance to get confirmed court time. Frustrating when there’s never any people using the courts outside of the group club session times. I might need to do some asking of my contacts at the club given they know N and know how keen he is.
Saturday was a busy day. N had a hair appointment, before that we managed to pick up/drop off a few things we needed to sort out. Then headed into town for shoelaces – N gets through so many of them. I don’t understand why he has to pull all his laces so tightly that they break really fast. I’ve got shoe laces I’ve had for years with no damage. N went out with his uncle shooting for an hour, taking the dog out to see if she’d retrieve. I did some crochet, and entered some competitions. After 2 days of entering advent competitions, I’ve already won some tickets to a Science Museum. Let’s hope that luck continues (and that I find the time to enter some more).

New posts this week:
He is brave still wearing shorts, my eldest also loves to be in shorts all year round too! But I prefer he dresses warmer, not that he listens! Fab news about your blog traffic, lovely achievement beating previous month bests. So pleased you had a win already, so nice when the hard work entering comps pays off quickly! It will spur you on I am sure.
Love the snowy photo, the boys were desperate for some more snow after visiting Blenheim but I don’t think we will get any here. Well done on the blog traffic and I really liked your hat on IG. I wish I could crochet but I have never managed to get my head around it. Hope you find some lovely wool for your next project.
Beautiful wintry scene! Looks like you had a bit more snow than we did. Well done on the blog traffic! I gave up on trying to do anything about it. 🙂 Good luck with all the advents! After 11 days of entering I’m ready to admit defeat.
I remember the winter months with football training, I’m surprised the tennis is still going on. Would anyone really ask the PO to redecorate in keeping with the village? If someone suggested my decorations were garish, I’d deliberately add more
Probably not unfortunately. What’s bizarre is they also do flower orders there and their bouquets and displays in the shop are lovely, so I don’t understand why they’ve not done their outside decorations more attractively
Love the photo, very wintery. Well done on the comp win too, I win a year’s blog hosting but nothing since. #365
That does sound like a very cold day on Saturday watching the tennis. Well done on your biggest month traffic-wise for your blog. Lovely photo with the snow. #project365
I love the picture too. You talk a lot about tennis, it must mean that N is really enjoying it. That’s really nice.
Tennis is most of our social life at the moment. I’m not back dancing yet (not willing to be up close dancing with lots of people indoors all evening, so it will be a while before I want to go back there), so it’s all tennis really.
Love that wintery picture. We had no snow! In fact when people were sharing their snowy videos we had bright sun!
It really does feel like winter now and has looked like it outside. We’ve had snow too. Good on the tennis players playing for as long as they could in it.
Well done with your blog traffic.
My eldest goes through a ton of shoelaces too. I am sure it must be how she ties them.
What a pretty wintry scene. x
Glad it’s not just mine with the shoelaces. I just don’t understand why he needs to pull them so tight!