Project 52 2022 week 12
This week has seen surprisingly great weather. Sunny, dry, warm and no wind. With the lighter evenings we’ve also been out playing table tennis each evening after tea. Let’s hope it continues into April. Here’s our week 12 for Project 52.
Sunday was lovely weather. We had a lazy morning at home, then took the dog out for a walk up the hill. N decided we were going to rescue my bike from where it had been dumped under the former shed walls. My brother arrived when N was cleaning it. So they oiled the chain, and checked it over. I need to get a replacement tyre as one has perished. Hopefully the rain won’t arrive before we’ve changed the tyre and got out for a ride. We also got the table tennis table cleaned – removing the pawprints.
On Monday it was back to work and school. Not much else went on although N had his tennis lesson, while I walked. We managed to do some table tennis again.
Tuesday was an earlier start than normal as I was in the office. The OH dropped N off in the village so he could walk with his friends, rather than me taking him in earlier to morning club. He also did the pick up. It was nice to be back in the office again. There were quite a few people to catch up with, and it was good to be in a face to face (and online) meeting. I also managed to get out for a walk at lunchtime too.
After tea we played table tennis. N is loving having the table, and we’ve been lucky with no wind. Hopefully we’ll have lots more good weather over the summer.
On Wednesday the weather was lovely again. It was so nice to be out walking while N had his tennis lesson. And all in daylight with no coat needed. Yay to the evenings getting longer again. I have found my knee twinging this week when I’ve tried to do my steps. It’s the knee that was dislocated years ago so it does sometimes give a bit of hassle. I put it down to walking up the 6 lots of stairs at work twice on Tuesday. But it’s put a stop to so many steps the rest of the week annoyingly. And I’ve rock-taped it up too.
Thursday was another gorgeous day. Warm enough for me to not wear a jumper. It was just a work day, N had after school football. I avoided doing too many steps today as my knee just kept twingeing.
On Friday N had a very early orthodontist referral appointment. He’s pretty borderline – turns out his teeth are virtually the same as mine were at his age although he’s got more of an overbite than I had. Sounded like there was 1mm in it. They’re going to wait 6 months to see if his final 4 teeth have gone, and check if his mouth’s grown a bit as they’re worried it’s a bit small at the moment. I’d hoped they’d have been able to start the process while in primary rather than disturbing the start of year 7, but it’s better to wait and be sure.
I then had a call from school to say he’d bumped his head but hadn’t told anyone, then it had got a bit sore. They couldn’t see any bump or redness, so he had a compress and was kept an eye on. When I picked him up he was on fine form and looked at me like I was mad when I asked how his head was. I thought he’d fallen, but it appears he’d nodded his head too close to the table and bumped it. Not sure what he was doing to manage that. He seems fine though so that’s a relief.
It was much colder than I anticipated standing watching at tennis. N came out of the lesson a bit upset because there’d been 2 children from the younger session loitering around waiting for a brother to finish, being noisy, but then they’d been told they could join in for the final fun game. One had picked up N’s spare racket from his bag, hadn’t asked, then thrown it down on the floor. N was annoyed because he’d not been asked to lend it to him, he hadn’t looked after it, plus he was now going to have to spend time sanitising it. The game means they leave their rackets if they’re caught out, and the same child evidently went to take N’s good racket when they all went to pack up. N had to pull it back off him because he wouldn’t let go. So not a happy boy at the end of the session.
Saturday was a nice relaxing day. Early morning town trip to get new bike tyres for my bike, and some mother’s day flowers for the mother in law (and myself as I’ll not get any otherwise). My brother came over to sort my bike out for me, joined us for some lunch, and then played a bit of football with N. They were so hot afterwards, we dug out lollies from the depths of the freezer for them to have. I seem to spend my Saturdays mostly prepping food – lunch, tea, pudding. I made 2 versions of pudding (no sugar version for me), and my own low carb pizza while they’ll have shop bought with extra toppings. I also had to get some photos done for a review I need to get up next week, and managed to read most of a book.

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I’m loving the warmer, dryer weather. Glad you managed to get your bike fixed. Oh dear to the head bump, why the reluctance for N to tell you?
The weather last week was beautiful, wasn’t it? How lovely to spend time outside playing table tennis in the evenings after tea. I can see why N was annoyed after his tennis session with the other child taking his rackets. Sounds like you had a lovely relaxing day on Saturday. #project365
The weather has been amazing. I bought 2 sun loungers today and obviously the forecast isn’t looking that great for next week.
Good job with rescuing your bike. I hope you get out on it soon.
I am glad N is OK with his head.
It sounds like you have had a lovely day today.
What a beautiful sunset x
You’re all prepared for the summer though with the chairs. Fingers crossed we”ll get more good weather back again soon.