Project 52 2023 week 13
I can’t believe we’re already at the end of the Spring term. That’s 2/3rds through the school year, and the start of a new financial year…with all the hassles of checking bank accounts, interest changes, ISAs and upcoming tax returns to do.
Here’s this week’s Project 52, week 13.
Sunday was a sorting out day. I want to move to a different mobile network as ours is just about to put the up the prices. I thought my SIM only deal was well out of contract given I’ve had it for years, but it seems I’ve got 3 months and it wasn’t the monthly ongoing one I’d thought I’d continued. Grrr. I couldn’t get a PAC code by text for the OH’s phone because his sits under my account. Calling them directed me to chat, then I had to go through the chat bot to one person, who then moved me on to another team because she wasn’t authorised to provide a PAC code. Ridiculous that it took over 30 minutes just to get 1 PAC code. Then into town to get the OH a new phone. Then back to get online and sort out his new network and contract.
In the supermarket I bumped into an NCT friend so had a brief catch up with her which was nice.
On Monday I had an internal interview for a different job. I’ve tried several times for similar roles and not got them, so I’m not really sure if I’ll get this one, despite it being a pretty good interview I think (and all the previous practice I’ve had at them!). External interviews are so much easier than internal ones. N got given yet another project – this one for art. His tennis lesson wasn’t the best because he kept moaning about his legs aching. It was nice to have it in daylight, no floodlights needed.
Tuesday was publication day at work, so glad to get the last one out of this year. N and I had dentist appointments. Check ups were in and out, even mine was less than a couple of minutes. A lot of money paid for 2 minutes, glad it’s NHS and not private as I wouldn’t want to pay more for that!
On Wednesday I heard I didn’t get the job. However, I got thorough feedback from the interviewer, so I’ll be set for exactly the type of thing they want to hear if I want to go for that type of role again. On the up side, we did discuss other options to fill my missing line management opportunities, so fingers crossed I may have some other opportunities coming up if people agree. Doubtful it’ll include a payrise though.
Thursday I had a day off – using up holiday that I can’t carry over. I’d booked to do a private apartments downstairs tour at Blenheim which was really interesting. Now I’ve done both the upstairs and downstairs tours. I also got to see the new coronets and coronations exhibition with lots of costumes from Netflix’s The Crown, and information about Blenheim’s links to royalty. Typically the sun came out as I was leaving.
On Friday I had a second day off. It rained a lot. I finally got round to get some threading done, had a mooch round a couple of shops, a free Starbucks drink thanks to the app. Tennis was cancelled due to the weather, so it was a chilled out evening.
Saturday’s football was cancelled due to a waterlogged pitch, so we headed into town to pick up a few things we needed. Otherwise it was a quiet day, N headed out on the farm in the afternoon.

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The Private room tour of Blenheim sounds lovely, I’ve only ever strolled around the grounds.
Glad you managed to sort out the OH’s phone – it sounds like it was a complicated process. Sorry that you didn’t get the job you interviewed for but glad the feedback was helpful at least. #project365
Sorry to hear you didn’t get the job. But it’s good you got feedback and that now you have some ideas what to improve if you want to try again in the future.
Nice to hear that the tours at Blenheim are really good. I visited the place, but didn’t had the tours before, so I will definitely keep that in mind.
What a faff getting your OH’s phone sorted.
That is rubbish news about the job but it sounds like good feedback.
Blenheim really is beautiful! x