Project 52 2023 week 19
It’s getting to the time of year when I’m trying to think about booking holidays, but not actually getting round to doing anything. I need to get hold of my best friend to work out what they’re doing and to try and coordinate, as we’ve been a bit rubbish this year at staying in contact.
Here’s our week 19 of Project 52.
Sunday was a quiet one. My clothes horse collapsed and broke so we had to go out and buy another one. This one is more sturdy, but it’s too narrow for boxy adult fleeces and jumpers which isn’t great. I can’t get on more than one load either, so I might need to get another. Otherwise it was just spent at home, my brother popped over, they played a bit of football, I tried to get some time to read (unsuccessfully). It just seemed to be non stop washing, drying, dishwasher, folding clothes, cooking, baking.
On Monday it was another bank holiday, due to the Coronation. The weather was better than anticipated so we went out to get a BBQ (at N’s request because he’s decided he’s going to do the cooking – and hopefully the cleaning of it!). Then he planted the flowers I bought for my pot outside the door. It used to have flowers but now it’s just weeds. So it’s looking nice if bedraggled now. I’m being put to shame by our new lodgers next door who love gardening and have made their side look all nice and homely already.
Tuesday back to work and school. N had a headache much of the day, and a cough’s come on. So I’m hoping it’s not a return of what he had over the early May bank holiday weekend. Work was manic – lots of tasks coming in but very little getting finished and rid of.
On Wednesday N was off sick. He had an awful dry cough, still had a bit of a headache, although the fever he had the day before was gone. Covid test done but negative. It turned out several people he knew were also off.
Thursday, N was back worse again, despite him having been feeling a lot better and the cough had reduced the afternoon before. He’s massively bored because he can’t play xbox all day because it’s in the same room I work in. He wasn’t happy with the pie I served for tea because the bit he ended up with was mostly huge mushrooms and virtually no beef. Won’t be buying those pies again. I’m running out of brands they’ll eat.
On Friday, day 3 of the cough, still negative on Covid tests. I did get hold of cough sweets and that eased things a bit. It turns out quite a few people we know have had similar coughs, so it’s obviously going round.
It’s nice to wake up to cows and calves in the field behind. We enjoy watching them. It was a lot of phone calls at work today which is unusual for me.
Saturday thankfully N seemed better. He went off to a livestock sale, I did some chores around town before watching the cows out in the field and the swallows. We spent the afternoon building the bbq. Well N put it together with me double checking the instructions when he needed help. It ended up a nice evening so we played a bit of football, until our lodgers’ grandaughter took my place playing in goal instead, giving my knee a break. I had a lovely long chat with the neighbour.

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I hate booking anything travel related and always leave it till the last minute. Sorry to hear N has been unwell, glad he’s better now
Sorry to hear that N has been unwell again. Glad that he was feeling better by the end of the week. Hope he enjoys cooking on the BBQ (and hopefully cleaning it afterwards!) #project365
I want to book somewhere this year but abroad is working out too expensive.
Sorry to hear N wasn’t feeling well but glad he was feeling better by the end of the week.
Good luck with booking a holidays.
I have 3 clothes horses and they just about fit one load on. I hate that my family seem to wear something once then put it in the wash.
Well done the lodgers making their side look nice.
Poor N. I am glad he’s feeling a bit better now. x
Yes I used to have 2 but they took up too much space. My broken one took loads (probably why it broke). With the aga on a load dries fast, but once it’s turned off I struggle. N’s the same with wearing clothes once. annoying when he changes out of uniform, then puts clothes worn for a couple of hours in the wash!