Project 52 2023 week 38
The weather’s definitely dropped this week. The blankets are back out for working at my desk, and I’ve even debated the fingerless gloves. We’ve even had the heating on one evening for a short while (not my choice). Here’s our week 38 for Project 52.
Sunday was a quiet one. On the way to the farm shop I came across an accident between a lorry and a car. Both were pretty smashed up – someone or both must have been on the other side of the road through the hilly bends there. There were witnesses sorting stuff out with them, but we didn’t have long to wait for them to move the bits off the road and give everyone chance to get through.
I watched the Davis Cup tennis. Great match by Dan Evans once he got over his first set blip. And an amazing come back from him and Skupski to put GB through to the last 8 .Whoop.
On Monday it was back to work and school. We’re back into the routine. I had the same issue with the bus passes as last week. The 28 day one just won’t give me the ‘send to another person’ link that it should. So I bought him the 7 day one again, and spent ages on the phone to customer services to get a refund and hopefully get it logged as an issue. Of course they said they’d call back and haven’t, and I’ve not been refunded, so I’ll have to ring again and ask about that.
Tuesday I was in the office for the morning as my broadband was due to go off for 2 hours. Didn’t manage to get the birthday present I needed to pick up at lunchtime before heading home. That will need to be a last minute purchase on Saturday.
On Wednesday it was a gusty and wet day. My car went in to get the engine check light checked out and work out what was wrong, but of course the light had turned off the day before (after having been on for 3 weeks!). 10 minutes after I’d got into work, they rang to say they couldn’t find anything wrong. But to bring it in when the light is on. It was a nice day in the office, although busy. I got home and the OH had cooked dinner. A relief as N had football training so it’s always hard to work timings out.
Thursday, and I can feel a sore throat coming. Urgh. I’m trying to finally get round to clearing out my jigsaws – and it looks like I’ve got rid of a job lot which is brilliant.
On Friday it was a lot of phone calls for work, a panic that my Tesco delivery only just arrived with 4 minutes to go before a meeting – so I just put frozen stuff away and the rest got left on the table for an hour.. I need to start spreading the washing through the week as it’s to windy and rainy to put the clothes horse outside, and the aga’s not on yet to dry things in front of. Tennis was cancelled due to the rain. We had a takeaway, and totally confused the woman who works there. She prides herself on knowing that it’s our order that’s come in online, but we confused her as it was only for N and the OH, as I ate leftovers from the day before. I had a really early night because I’d had a bad headache all day that I couldn’t shift
Saturday football was off. It should have been a cup match, but they ended up with a bye through to the next round. So we had time to head into town, pick up a few things, and drop off the nephew’s old kit at the football club as his team’s folded. N was at a football party in the afternoon so I had a couple of free hours planned.

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That is a huge stack of jigsaws! Hope you get things sorted out with the buses. It does sound very frustrating. Annoying too about the engine light going off just as you took the car to the garage – it’s good that there doesn’t seem to be any problems that they’ve identified though and hopefully the light will stay off. #project365
Wow that is a big stack of jigsaws! I have only ever done one of the wasgij puzzles but I enjoyed the twist of building a changed scene, they seem very clever. I think I might have to get some fingerless gloves to keep cosy when blogging. I am in my dressing gown now over everything as I do some commenting. Sometimes I wear a bobble hat indoors too! Hope your feeling better by now.
That’s an impressive pile of puzzles. Hope the headache went away quickly
Oh wow thats a lot pf puzzles. I am yet to try the wasgij puzzles! Like you I have realised I need to start spreading out the washing…haven’t put our heading on but got out the electric stand to dry Minu’s clothes
We’ve not had the heating on yet but the blankets and fluffy socks are back out.
The buses are ridiculous. My youngest has had issues for the past couple of weeks despite complaining. Ugh.
I hope you are feeling better now.
That is an amazing collection of jigsaws! x
That’s only most of the puzzles. I’ve still got some to sort through and sell.