Project 52 2023 week 39
This week’s been a funny one weather wise. One minute we’ve had Storm Agnes blowing a gale, the next it’s been quite warm and sunny. It’s been nice to catch up with lots of people though, and the Wimbledon ballot’s opened, so if you want tickets, get putting your name down. Here’s what we’ve been up to in this week’s Project 52, week 39.
On Sunday it seemed to rush by. I needed to go to a couple of shops in town. It’s frustrating when they only open at 11 as that’s the whole morning gone. The afternoon I tried to catch up on some reading. September’s been quite a slow month as I got caught up in games on my phone. We picked some apples from the trees – N had fun up the ladder. It’s been a bad crop this year. The eating apples are many but small. There aren’t many cookers across the 2 trees, and what there are aren’t great specimums.
Monday was back to work and school. I’ve got a bit of a cold (that might explain the bad headache the other day), so dosing up. I need to shift it ahead of some joint leaving dos this week.
I had an annoying response from Stagecoach saying that the 29 day pass we usually buy can no longer be sent to other people. This is despite other people being able to, and even now (2 weeks after buying and getting the issue) the app still says you can. So I’m not very happy, especially as it costs a lot less per day for the 28 vs the 7 day passes. So I might end up having to just buy it from N’s phone with my card each time. What a faff.
On Tuesday it was a nightmare day. N realised in the morning that his food tech cooking was on Tuesday not Wednesday. He got all the ingredients measured out but I had to rush round getting a tin and muffin cases out. Then we got halfway to the village and had to turn round because he’d forgotten to put his tie on. Then at work we had to fix an issue that should just never have happened. Then the bus drove straight past the bus stop without stopping. Luckily they managed to get him to stop not far along the road, but it wasn’t a great place to let them all off with all the primary school traffic coming in and out of the village at that time too.
Wednesday I was in the office. It was really nice being in – there was a nice buzz, it was almost like pre-Covid times again. In the evening there was a big leaving do – for 5 people leaving. All of whom I’ve worked with over the years. It’s going to be sad to see them all go. It was a good do – one of them plays in a band so her and her husband got their violin and guitar out to play some songs. There were also some former colleagues came along too, which was lovely to catch up with them. All in all a lovely day and evening.
On Thursday N had an early finish at school due to them having the Y6 open evening. I was in a workshop most of the day. Once he was home he headed out to help with the forage harvesting. That kept him entertained while I went to do a refreshments stall stint at the school open evening. It was so strange to think it was us there a whole 2 years ago. One of my NCT girls was there looking round with her younger daughter, so it was lovely to have a chat. We made 3x the amount we did last year – it really helps that we’ve got a card machine now.
Friday was a super busy day at work, and a very late day of working considering it was meant to be my early finish day. N was off on the farm again before tennis. I managed to knock my water bottle off my desk, opened. I thought I’d mopped up but must have missed a bit as when I went to pull my new puzzle box out, the cardboard was all wet. Very annoying. Luckily the puzzle inside seems to still be dry, but the box won’t be worth selling the puzzle on afterwards.
On Saturday it was football training rather than a match. It looked like a good session, they’ll be moving inside for the evening training now it’s getting dark and colder. I felt like I didn’t really stop all day, although it was mainly just either sorting washing, the dishwasher, prepping food, eating. I think I just need a few early nights

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That’s a shame you didn’t have a good yield of sizeable cooking apples from your tree! I love apple crumble and custard, proper comfort food in the cold weather. What do you normally do with your cooking apples? Yikes it is always tricky when they realize last minute they have something to cook at school in the morning rush! We have had to go to the supermarket at the crack of dawn before now to quickly get the ingredients as we didn’t even have them in the house.
We have crumble, pies,galette type of desserts. We only had enough to put one lot in the freezer, and that’s gone already!
It’s not been a good year for apples – my in-laws trees didn’t have many at all this year. Tuesday did sound like a nightmare. Glad the bus stopped in the end and N managed to get all his food tech stuff sorted. Lovely sunset photo. #project365
What a nightmare with the muffins. I think all children are helped by their parents with that task, it’s like you have homework just as N does. :))
What a gorgeous sunset phot, such lovely colours. We’ve not had many apples from our DILs tree this year as usual. Bet it’s nice having the office feel like pre covid days again and being able to say goodbye to people leaving, properly.
The buss passes and the bus not stopping must be so annoying! Sounds like a good leaving do, must be nice to see everyone back in the office.
My parents haven’t had many apples, and the ones they have have mainly ended up with bugs!
We didn’t get much of Storm Agnes here. Phew!
My dad hasn’t had many apples off his trees this year either. He was given a box and shared with me so I haven’t gone without for baking.
What a faff you are having with the bus passes for N.
What a hectic Tuesday morning and how lovely for you to be back in the office. It sounds like a good do for the leavers.
What a beautiful sky! x