inside of a pale pink peony

Project 52 2024 week 21

It’s week 21 of Project 52, and we’ve had the surprise announcement of a General Election at the beginning of July. So there’s lots of political talk going on in and outside of work. Anyway, here’s my week.

Sunday – had a decent lie in that got rid of my headache. Warm day, so mostly stayed in the cool in the house after I’d done a Next return in town. The tractor run was on but for the first time didn’t come past our house. Probably a good thing because they were sileaging so it would have been a nightmare with 100 tractors driving past and them trying to reverse into the farm. I finished booking our summer holiday accommodation. It’s turned out more expensive than I expected (Irish hotels are expensive especially as most charge for parking too), but at least I got 1 night free with my Tesco clubcard points.

Monday – annoyingly the bus didn’t stop at the temporary village stop but carried on going to the next village. I already have to do a detour, but on arrival to find no kids dropped off, found the message and had to add another 3 miles on to pick N up. At least I could do a shorter route a different way home, but it’s so frustrating. Only another month of this to go – hopefully they’ll finish early.

Tuesday – bit of a nightmare day. Went off to the theatre – horrendous diversions and journey with the traffic, got the free parking right opposite. Showed my ticket only to find it was for the same day next year. Oops. Luckily I’d not managed to give away my second ticket otherwise that would have been a total embarrassment. It means I’ve got a year to find a theatre buddy! So quick turnaround journey home a different way, which also had road closures. At the moment it seems every direction i need to go has closures. 

Wednesday – nice day in the office but warning light came on on the way home. Arrived home to find I had a totally flat tyre – hadn’t even noticed anything particularly felt different. And when I’d checked the warning lights, tyres hadn’t even come up as an issue. Sigh. My car doesn’t have even a temporary tyre, just stupid foam stuff, so I need to find someone to come out. Lots of mobile places can’t come out for 4-5 days which makes our bank holiday weekend a bit of a disaster.

Turns out the car was sold to me with a total mishmash of tyre brands, and the other back tyre looks like it’s getting cracks in so will end up buying 2 new ones to match.  Don’t remember cracking the tyre down a pothole, but wouldn’t be surprised if that was the issue given we’ve got so many reported ones that still haven’t been investigated.

Thursday – thankfully managed to get the mobile tyre fitters booked in for Friday. Hopefully it’s earlier rather than afternoon. Otherwise, busy day at work. N went for his clay shooting lesson in the evening.

Friday – the mobile tyre fitter came round to sort my tyres out so I feel I’ve got freedom back again. Short working day before a full week off. In the evening N had his tennis lesson. The coach has asked if N would like to help out as a junior assistant for the youngest age group, so he will have a little job for the rest of the summer term.

Saturday – we had lots to do and pick up in town, including art stuff for N’s project. We dropped off some puzzles in the charity shop, bumped into our neighbour in a car park so had a bit of a chat. Failed to find some new walking trainers in my size in Sports Direct so that’s a job this half term. Four potential pairs that I’d be willing to pay for, and only one paid were available in a 6 or 6.5. They felt too solid, bulky and heavy, so it’s frustrating they never have popular sizes in (or in N’s size when we want them either). An afternoon of relaxing before the FA Cup final is on. Although I might miss that given N might watch it at his cousin’s instead.

inside of a pale pink peony

New posts this week:

Things I’ve enjoyed this week

  • A romance book that I’d added to my Kindle crime ‘collection’ by mistake, giving me a fast breather from crime novels.
  • Being in the office. It is nice being in there, I really should go in more frequently (I say that but it never really happens).

Things I’m grateful for this week:

  • Getting home having had a puncture, and then able to get someone out to fix it fairly fast.
  • The road to the village is open, and the bus has gone through once, so maybe it means no trekking off elsewhere on detours.
  • Half term means annual leave.

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  1. How annoying that the bus didn’t stop at the temporary stop and you had to detour. Oops to going to the theatre a year early! Glad you managed to get your tyres sorted out. Hope N enjoys helping out with the younger group at tennis. #project365

  2. How frustrating about the tyres but at least you are all sorted now. How funny you turned up at the theatre a year early, nit quite managed that myself but I am sure I will at some point LOL. Whereabouts in Ireland are you going, we found it cheaper than the UK but it was before Covid

    1. We’re doing Anglesey first for a couple of nights, then Dublin, down to Cork and back up to Galway, staying in different places each time. Hopefully it won’t be too much travelling (definitely less each day vs Scotland we did last year as things are much closer), but harder to book in advance for attractions as we’ll not know how long we’ll be in each place.

  3. Hurrah to the road through the village reopening, fingers crossed no more bus mishaps. Jeez what a mess with the tyres and the puncture, glad you’re all sorted now. Well done to N with helping out at the tennis.

  4. It does sound like a good job that the tractor run didn’t go past your house. Ahh! So it’s sileaging time, that explains all the tractors whizzing about around me.
    The buses and all the diversions sound so annoying. Ugh! Oops to the theatre trip. At least you have a year to find someone to take. hehehe
    That is really bad about the tyres on your car. I am glad you got it sorted.

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