apples growing and on the ground

Project 52 2024 week 38

It’s been quite a quiet week, but nice to get back to football matches again. I’ve still got my silly tickly clearing the throat cough which is driving me nuts after so long. Here’s our week 38 for Project 52.

Sunday – it was a relaxing morning, putting on a huge beef stew in the slow cooker so tea would be ready for after tennis. N had a junior club tournament in the afternoon. It was a mixed bag at tennis, but it’s noticeable which kids have proper consistent coaching elsewhere – ie kids that he’d never have lost to when they all had coaching in the same place.

Monday – back to work and school. Made a delicious hotpot for tea, with leftovers from Sunday. N went into town with a friend after school to go for Nandos, and they also played pool. Teens nowadays do spend a lot more than we used to when we went out – mainly just trying on outfits but never buying anything. We never ate out when out with friends just in town.

Tuesday – school photo day. He was off sick the day of year 7 ones, so I felt I should get at least one formal school photo while he’s there. The homework has started in earnest. Someone’s not impressed.

Wednesday – bit of a rush at the end of the day to get to football training, but nice to chat to people. I was meant to be in London for a leaving do but I just couldn’t work it out with cost of travel, and only going up there for a couple of hours. 

Thursday – busy day with quite a bit of training. Nipped out at lunchtime to drop off a Vinted parcel. I really need to upload some more things I’ve had in the pile for ages.

Friday – nice short day for work. I had to update my fantasy league team. Fingers crossed I do better than last week with my transfers as last week’s played appallingly.

Saturday – early haircut for me, then rush to get back out to drop N for football. For some reason they’ve been starting without a CDM (despite there being 2 who play in that position), which means their attacking midfielders need to drop more. But N went on at half time into CDM, and they had a much better half ending with a good win. It was a pretty ugly match with their dubious linesman (reputation from last season too) calling pretty much everything offside, the ref not hearing or noticing the offside flag going up a few times, and then their coach shouting at the ref for most of the latter part of the match. Not a good role model for their team. For some reason we’re back for the return match in a couple of weeks rather than later in the season, so that’ll be a tense match. Then N had a haircut in the afternoon.

apples growing and on the ground

New posts this week:

Things I’ve enjoyed this week:

  • Butter chicken for tea, a cheat Maggi in a bag version, but there were no moans from anyone!
  • Spreadsheets for my fantasy league team. Fingers crossed it’s a better scoring weekend.
  • Watching the cows out in the field behind us.

Things I’m grateful for this week:

  • N enjoyed his after school trip out, and was back safely.
  • The weather has generally been good here, we missed the storms and downpours that others had

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  1. Beef stew and hotpot sounds like proper delicious comfort food. Good luck to N with getting to grips with Year 8 homework. Well done to N’s team on their win but what a shame it was a pretty ugly match. Hope the return match will be better. #project365

  2. When I was a teen it was walk into town and sit on a bench with a bag of chip and a can of pop and if it was raining you’d go to someones house and sit in their room, half the time their mum wouldn’t know you were there. I’d be out on weekends from 11am till 6pm just wandering around town with various mates. It was our school photos this week also. it took a lot of persuading to get some of the kids to stop pulling silly faces and it’s secondary school also.

  3. We have picked all our apples off our tree now, they were delicious!! My kids don’t have school photo’s in secondary school, I thought they might do a yearbook but nothing at all last year

  4. I hope the cough goes soon.
    Ahh! It’s that time of the year for stews cooked in the slow cooker and hotpots!
    Yes teens do seem to spend a lot more now! I remember going out with £5 which would last me the whole day and it would feed me and pay for something like ice skating or swimming, now if I offered my girls £5 for a day out they’d laugh in my face. I feel old. lol
    Well done to the boys with the win at football. The linesman sounds like a right pain in the backside.