Project 52 2024 week 42
Quite a tiring week. I’ve been getting back to exercise, back to healthier lower carb eating, but haven’t had brilliant sleep. I keep waking at 3, 4, and then 5, so it’s not been great, although I’ve been going to sleep a bit earlier to try and offset that. Not that my Fitbit seems to be appreciating the effort! Here’s my week for project 52 week 42.
Sunday – my walking mat was finally delivered. I’m not a fan of walking the fields, and around work would find it hard to fit in. This way, I can do some before work, some at lunch and possibly in the evening (and can catch up on tv at the same time). N and I spent over an hour picking apples from the trees in the garden (me holding the ladder for him). Then, using a peeling, coring and slicing machine, diced and bagged about 60 apples for the freezer. Plenty of crumble for us for the autumn and winter.
Monday – I’ve applied for an internal job. It’s not one I’d thought about, but I saw it, realised I had the experience listed, so applied. I don’t think I’ll get an interview for this one, but I reckon there’s a couple more potentially coming up that would be more appropriate, so worth putting myself out there. We had some fun on the walking mat. 45 minutes done. It doesn’t sound like much, but I didn’t get started early enough in the morning due to setting it up. N enjoyed running on it.
Tuesday – another 2 sessions on the walking mat. Evidently my (v delicious in my eyes cottage pie is no longer fit to serve the OH. I have to hear it via N so he gets all the moans from me about that. Now I’m going to have a piece of paper and they can write all the meals they like or will eat, or want (and I’ll try), because my list he’ll eat is rapidly dwindling and at the same time he moans that there’s not much variety. So we’ll see if he’ll agree to write some things down, otherwise I’ll have to get ideas from the mother in law of what she cooks.
Wednesday – pleased to get a flu jab offer from the GP, so booked that. But surprised to get a Covid jab invite too, given that I wasn’t on the last list, and the one before I turned up and they were surprised I’d had an invite. Anyway, all booked in, but different days and places because the nearest Covid place wasn’t doing flu as well. Football training was like an ice rink with the boys slipping all over the place. A bit worrying in case of any injuries given they’ve only got 11 for their first cup match on Saturday.
Thursday – flexi day off. The places on my to visit list don’t open Thursdays, or are only afternoon and I’d not be back in time for bus pick up. In the end I decided to start some Christmas shopping. Now I’m sorted for a birthday, some stocking bits, god-daughter, and best friend’s daughter. But still 4 birthdays and 4 other Christmas gifts to get. I also went to the bottle bank (and got honked at by a lorry driving past – it’s in a layby on a main road), and the tip to drop off some old clothes and my broken slow cooker.
Friday – work day, and not much else going on. Tried a new pasta dish with air fryer chicken. It got the thumbs up from N, so hopefully that’s another dish I can add to the yes list.
Saturday – very early start for football an hour away for our first cup match. We left home with it having rained all night – a home match likely would have been cancelled with waterlogged pitches. They had beautiful sun and very little rain. We only had 10 men after our 11th was ill. The boys played really well, and you wouldn’t generally have noticed they were down a man (apart from goal kicks/throw ins where they just couldn’t have as many options to pass to as the other team). They scored 2, conceded 2 unlucky goals, plus another 2 good ones, so are out of the cup. But it should be 2 much better league fixtures against the same team once they’re back to full team and in standard line up. One to be proud of for them, because they all did well. Hair appointment for N as well. Then back to checking the Fantasy League teams and hoping my transfers go to plan.

Blog posts this week:
Things I’ve enjoyed this week:
- Multi-tasking catching up on tv at the same time
- The Hardacres tv show. I wish I’d just waited and recorded it all and watched in one go.
- Picking up lots of queries and stuff for colleagues while they were away. It’s nice to get some confidence that I know what I’m doing.
Things I’m grateful for this week:
- Nice parents (and kids) at football to chat to
- Flexi leave – the odd day off here and there is always needed even if there’s nothing in particular to do
- Finally getting rid of the glass bottles being collected in the utility room.
That’s a very summery looking photo. The weather has been much milder in October, we noticed when we went to Northern Ireland and had packed way to many winter clothes which we hardly wore compared to last year.
Well doen on getting your flu and covid jab, I had to postpone mine, must rebook them now.
Sounds like you’re getting good use out of the walking mat. Trying to sort out meals that everyone likes is hard work at times! We now have a rolling 3-week meal plan for weekdays and I try and get a bit more variety at the weekends. Glad you had sunshine for N’s football match – it was pouring for most of Sophie’s football tournament that morning! Sounds like his team played well even if they didn’t manage to get through. #project365
Good luck with the job application, fingers crossed you at least get an interview. Our apple tree didn’t give us many apples, although it didn’t help the next doors kids kept picking them. The walking mat sounds great, not sure I would have the energy for it though
Wow, our apple trees went nuts this year (last was poor), I’ve just picked some more for pudding today, although lots of windfalls because of the weather. We need to get a grabber for the large ones at the top we can’t get to with a ladder.
Don’t think you need a walking mat with all the steps you do at work. As I work from home I’m lucky to get 3k a day, unless I pop out at lunchtime. In the office, it’s still usually only 6-7k. I really need it at home, and although it takes up reading time, it does get me through all the saved up series I’ve got recorded.
Ugh! I hope you can get some more sleep, it doesn’t sound like fun waking up at all hours.
The walking mat sounds great and well done on picking and preparing the apples. Good luck with the job.
Your husband sounds like such a fussy eater. I hope you get some ideas from him or at least his mother.
It sounds like the football team played really well. Such a shame they are out of the cup but they should be proud of themselves. x
He is so fussy. Even something sausages – only as sausage and mash or pigs in blankets. No casserole, traybakes, toad in the hole – severely limits the options. He goes off things once I’ve cooked them a few times too. But then won’t really eat indian (unless we don’t call it curry), chinese or thai food.