Project 52 2024 week 33
For the first time in ages, I’ve not done my Project 52 each day. So it could be a bit of guess work. But mostly just boring because I’ve been in work, and there hasn’t been much going on until the end of the week. So here’s my week 33 (stick with me, because it’ll get more interesting towards the end of the holidays).
Sunday – a very relaxing day, with nothing really going on. Nipped to the farm shop and saw my in laws there, then quick trip to the supermarket in town. Otherwise, reading, catching up with tv, and prepping food.
Monday – exciting because it was the Perseid meteor showers on show, and potential for seeing the Aurora Borealis again. They were out very late harvesting, so I had the freedom to stand outside for a while once it was dark, and enjoy the star show. I spotted quite a few of the shooting stars/meteors, and just about got the Northern Lights visible again.
Tuesday – had to take N to the field along with tools for the OH’s trailer. So we got to stand and relax while he fixed it. I do enjoy going out to the field during harvest – a nice sunny breather to appreciate the work they’re doing.
Wednesday – orthodontist appointment to change the wires again. They’re super-speedy and it always amazes me how fast and efficiently the orthodontist and dental nurse work together. Caught up with a couple of the football mums as team training was on again. It was a bit drizzly, so my nice big umbrella got an outing, and we even had to resort to coats.
Thursday – Not much went on, just work, and my INR test. I’m happy that it’s back stable again, so back to 6 weeks for the next test. N spent the day out on the farm as usual.
Friday – short work day. My food shop arrived before my slot (yay), so around the time my normal 8-9 delivery slot usually turns up. N roped me into signing up to the Football Fantasy League to join in with his team’s league. It could be embarrassing as I’m the only mum taking part. But my spreadsheet is set up, and my team’s ready.
Saturday – a lovely but busy day. Off early to Millets Farm for the farm shop, then to Dahlia Beach which is a pick your own Dahlia field. It wasn’t quite what I expected as needed to get in and out quickly, so had assumed 10 on the dot we’d be able to enter. But 10.05 we were still waiting for stragglers for that slot, then had a 15 minute briefing before it was carnage everyone going in, despite a couple of us being there well ahead of time. The flowers were beautiful and I bought a few stems.
Rush home for quick lunch, and back out into town for N’s bank before it shut. Then to my bank to see if there was anything they could do to stop assuming bank transfers to N’s account are fraud and freezing accounts. The customer service person was very rude, and didn’t even attempt to listen to what I was asking. Off to another town to get school shoes – we don’t have any proper shoe shops left in our town. His feet are officially measuring bigger than mine. For tea, he went to the local pub with his grandparents, as payment for cleaning their car.

No new posts this week.
Things I’ve enjoyed this week:
- walking through the dahlia field
- a nice Saturday with time spent with N
- spreadsheets and checking scores for fantasy football league (currently 2nd in our league!)
Things I’m grateful for this week:
- an easy school shoes fitting
- fitting everything in we needed to get done on Saturday
- dry warm weather for when I had washing to dry.
Nice to have a wander through the Dahlia field but so frustrating to have so many rules yet they can’t run on time. I feel your frustration with the bank. they cause the problem electronically yet don’t have the customer service skills to deal with people.
Glad you managed to see the meteors and the Northern lights. I did head out to a darker spot to try and see them but only managed to see the meteors this time. Lovely to pick your own dahlias. The bank trip sounds very frustrating. Glad the school shoe shop was more straightforward though. #project365
Ahh! I like a boring week just to recharge a little.
I do love this time of year, there has been plenty of tractors and farm vehicles around doing their thing with the harvesting.
Good luck with the fantasy football. I wouldn’t know where to start.