Project 52 2021 week 25 – mini office
The week that included the summer solstice, a supermoon, and the health secretary resigning due to having broken social distancing rules in having an affair with his aide. It’s been a busy one, and there’s been quite a lot of activity based around school and playdates.
Here’s our week 25 of Project 52.
Sunday and the tournament N was due to play in had been cancelled due to waterlogged grass courts. So we had a day at home. N had to do his Ancient Egypt research homework. Luckily he enjoys the ancient civilisations topics they do. It was a nice relaxing day.
On Monday it was back to school and work. Just another normal day, although N started back at multisports after school club. He’s not done it since pre-Covid, but several from his class now go. He really enjoyed it – they did a bit of tennis and hockey.
Tuesday not much went on. Just school and work. N went to his friend’s house up the road for a playdate. Planning the logistics was a nightmare because his friend cycles and the OH won’t let N cycle to school because he says the road’s too dangerous (yes it’s a rural road, but only just over a mile, mostly you can see a cyclist from way back in the road, and it’s rare we see more than 3-4 cars until we get to the school lane in the village.
In the end, the bike went in the Discovery, I drove him to school (had fun trying to open the boot as it’s temperamental!), and he then cycled back to his friend’s house afterwards. They go home up a track and over some fields but one bit has gliders over, so N said they came out on the road at one point anyway. He didn’t tell the OH that, but said it was all fine and he loved cycling. I guess we have the whole of the summer to persuade the OH to let him cycle next year. He left the bike at theirs in a barn we have there, and the OH collected it the next day.
On Wednesday it was another work day. There wasn’t much going on. N had his tennis private which was quite a good session. The sessions tend to whizz by.
Thursday was my last working day of the week. I had a few meetings, and managed to get our launch event progressing – it’s all coming together, even though we’re using an online event company to manage it. I’m very picky – I bet they’re finding me a bit demanding.
On Friday I had a flexi day. Our fridges got picked up 30 minutes after they’d driven to the gate, stopped then driven off. I was meant to have my long awaited desk delivery at 8.30 .But an hour later I was still waiting. I then got a text asking if I was free on Saturday early for a delivery – they had no idea I’d been called or had arranged a Friday delivery. It had wasted time waiting when I had various places in town to drop off parcels, check chairs, and more. It was nice for things to feel a bit more normal, although the queues in Primark were nuts. I wish they’d have an under 3-5 items queue as everyone ahead of me was buying 2 bags full of clothes, and I had a pack of socks and 2 vest tops!
In the afternoon it was sports day at school. N had been taking it seriously – practising his skipping and working out the best food to have with his friends (pasta the night before, and porridge for breakfast). It was done in class slots, with parents only allowed to attend through drive in viewing. N’s year group boys are usually split in 2 groups, but this time they were in races with all 12 of them, while the 3 girls all get on the podium. N’s aim was to win the egg and spoon race again like last year (he’d won the practice), but the spoons are all different – his was too flat – and they were slippy due to being sanitised/washed (he hadn’t thought to wipe them off). So his egg just wouldn’t stay on. His other goal was to do one better and beat his friend in the skipping race. But he was just pushed into 4th, the same as in the hurdles. So no podium finish, but it was fun to watch and chat across the cars to my neighbour. N said he preferred all the school doing sports day together so they can cheer on their house teams.
Tennis finished off the day. I always take my kindle in case there’s noone to chat to, but totally forgot to pick it up off the bench. Got home and realised, so had to quickly drive back and get it. Oops.
Saturday was a lovely day. My desk finally arrived and was put in my new mini office corner. It was already in one piece, so no putting it together involved. It was worth the wait and hassles. N set up my work computer and stuff, but I quickly switched it over to my sewing machine. After a quick trip into town, I got sewing, making N’s horse costume for his key stage 2 performance in July. He’s a horse, so I’ve just made a hood with a mane and ears (they’re a bit droopy), and he’s got a woollen tail. He’ll have to wear grey trousers and t shirt with it. I’m quite pleased with it (upcycled from an old top of mine that had holes in it), although I hope he won’t be too embarrassed by the homemade nature of it. I refused to buy a costume for one short play.
It was a lovely warm day, so N and his friend met up to play tennis and play in the park while us mums chatted. They weren’t out too long – N then crept up to bed for a nap. He slept for 40 minutes before tea. He’s been saying his throat’s felt bad, so we’ve been dosing up on Difflum spray and echinacea. Hopefully he’ll be ok tomorrow as it’s the last team match of the season. I spent a couple of hours sewing notebook covers – I think they’re just about neat enough to be given as token teacher and TA end of year gifts.

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That’s great that you got to watch the sports day and that they got inventive on a way round it. Charlies is this week and we can not go. Lovely idea for end of term gifts for the teachers and TA, I need to give some thought to this really. I really like your new desk
The desk looks good, hope you get a chair sorted soon. Glad you got to watch Sports Day even If no podium was involved. Your school is the only one I’ve heard of where parents have seen anything #365
Our school have been brilliant. They’re now trying to sort out how parents can watch the play. We’ll see what happens with that.
I hope you manage to convince the OH re the cycling!
How annoying they changed the delivery day but the desk looks good
Glad N is enjoying his multisports after-school club and enjoyed his playdate with his friend. How frustrating that your desk delivery didn’t arrive on Friday but glad you’ve now got it. It looks like a lovely desk. Hope that N is feeling better with his throat. #project365
It sounds like N had fun cycling from school. I hope your OH lets him do it next year.
Your desk looks brilliant, well worth the wait. x