Review: Katsuma Moshi Monster trunki ride on suitcase
N loves his limited edition 5th anniversary trunki. We rarely go on holiday, but we tend to go on road trips at least once or twice a year, so his trunki comes in useful for those. When we were offered the chance to review one of the Moshi Monster trunki, we weren’t going to turn it down, especially when I realised there were some production changes to check out.
Trunki often collaborate on their character trunkis, so there’s currently a Lotus design, Gruffalo, and now the 2 new Moshi Monsters designs. The one we received was the orange Katsuma design…definitely not one to miss in a crowd with the bright colour.
N was definitely excited when we opening the box (although I’m not convinced he’s associated it with his older version). He was asking what it was, told me it was orange and that he wanted to open it up. N’s a bit young to understand about Moshi Monsters and I can’t say I know a lot more either, but for children who love Moshi Monsters, Katsuma and the pink Poppet version would definitely be a great gift idea.

What do we like about this trunki?
I think the designs are fun, and the faces on the sides really attract children to them. As well as the range of standard colours, there are limited editions and then the collaborations so lots to choose from.
The mechanism for opening the trunki’s been improved. Previously it was quite hard although after some practice I didn’t have too many problems. Now, you simply press the buttons on the openings. I have to admit, it took some trying the first time, but hopefully this will loosen in time. N still wouldn’t be able to open them though as I feel there’s still a knack to it. It does make it safer keeping the trunki shut when riding it or carrying lots of luggage inside. There’s also a small key on the strap for extra security.
Obviously the trunki is made to be a suitcase. They never look that large although the capacity is a decent 18 litres. There’re elastic straps inside (perfect to keep soft toys in place), the usual fabric holder for smaller bits like crayons, and the main compartment. In the past when we’ve packed for going away, I’ve managed to get in books, nappies, some small to medium sized vehicles, a ball, a puzzle and other bits and bobs. I think it’s deceptive how much you can fit in, although the shape does mean that you can be a little restricted on awkward shaped toys. I always pack for N, and he always gets excited to see what’s in ‘his’ suitcase as it’s a surprise.

The usual ‘horns’ are in place giving easy hand holds for children sitting and riding their trunki. N does enjoy riding on his trunki – he spent some time lining all his ride on toys up, and trying to strap himself to the trunki with the pull along strap. He seemed to think it was a tractor, but each to their own.

He also enjoyed using the strap as a telephone…nothing like creative, my son!
The shape fits nicely behind the car seat in our car, and the dimensions are such that most flights should accept it as hand luggage. If you want to use a trunki for all of your child’s clothes and toys when travelling abroad, it’s going to be a challenge, but if you want to use it so the child can bring ‘whatever can fit in it’, then I would say you can’t really go wrong.
Prices range from around £33 to £50 depending on the design chosen. My tip is to look out for trunki at the big Baby Shows though, as we got quite a good deal on our first one when we went to one.
Do your children have a trunki ride on suitcase? What do you use to take toys away with you on holiday?
Disclosure: We were sent a Katsuma Moshi Monster trunki to try out and review. All opinions are our own. .