School Days – homework and plays
This week was another tiring week for N. I wasn’t sure if he’d make it to tennis on Friday because Thursday he was just wiped out. But even with his tennis session now pushed back to later, he was there and had plenty of bounce for it. It amazes me how much go young children can have. Having said that, there didn’t seem to be much going on at school that he was telling me about.
Strictly nativity
This year for their Christmas play, N is a shepherd. One step up from a village last year. He seems happy with that, and there’s no lines to learn thankfully. He’s forgotten that last week he said he wouldn’t do it unless he was a judge.
He came home with about 6 song sheets to learn. I’m not quite sure how because he says he can’t remember the songs or tunes, and I don’t have music so learning words of songs is impossible without tunes. Hopefully they’ll have plenty of singing rehearsals at school.
We didn’t get sent home a costume requirement, so I shall have to do an ask around to see if anyone has one I can borrow.
This week N’s year 1s have moved up to do their maths in the next class up with their fellow years 1s and year 2s. He loved it, learning the time, and did his worksheet homework with pleasure.
The same can’t be said of his literacy homework. They were given a picture of penguins and told to write 2-3 sentences about the penguins.
‘The penguins are jumping off into the water’. Spot on.
The next morning I came downstairs to find ‘The penguins. Mrs May is ill’. Errr? N decided that Mrs May (from Biff and Chip books) was also the penguins’ teacher. I had to specify this on his work so the teacher would know where he was coming from. It wasn’t exactly describing the picture though.
Although at the end of the week they didn’t have their homework book collected in so it won’t get marked anyway.
N usually just plays with the same people. His best friend, or his cousin. But one day he told me he played with someone totally different. When I asked him why he told me it was because no-one else was playing with the boy. Heartmelt moment.
#SchoolDays linky

Oh to play with someone that is alone is such a wonderful trait, definitely heart melting!
He’s usually oblivious to that kind of thing, so I’m pleased that he was thinking of others
Oh his little sentence about Mrs May being a penguin did make me chuckle! My Little Mister really doesn’t enjoy Biff & Chip books, but he’s just been moved up onto the next stage where the story is a little bit more detailed, hopefully this will hold his attention!
It’s great that he’s doing well in maths and being with the older children will certainly challenge him.
I think school nativity plays are always fun and I’m sure he’ll make a cute Shepherd …still trying to picture in my head how he could be a village ! *heehee*!! Ours haven’t been told their roles yet, although I do know singing has already started – I hear snippets in the house but the words are all muffled & muddled!
N quite likes Biff and Chip – it helps they are proper stories. Although he was sent home today with a book he’s already read and is refusing to read it, so bit of a problem there.
This time it seems to be alterative shepherds – dressed like Morris Dancers! Even harder to find white trousers that he will wear, plus I need to sew ribbons onto a white t shirt, compared with a shepherd’s outfir from a supermarket!
Sounds like he’s doing great. We’ve just started the biff and chip books. Why do they all have such crazy names?!
The question is, why on earth would you call your daughter Biff!?
Ahh 6 songs!! That’s quite a lot. Hope you manage to get the outfit sorted. We’re very lucky the school provide theirs. I think Z is a king…at least, he thinks he is. I need to double check with his teacher 🙂
They provide the strange outfits, like the camel ones. Personally I’d rather just put in a set amount of money one year, the school could buy costumes for the play, and then they could be kept for the school plays in future. Would be so much easier for everyone. Annoyingly we have a shepherd and a king outfit, but both are age 3-5 so way too small.