wind blowing through trees

Summertime, and the living is easy

It’s great when summertime arrives and the weather’s better, as after nursery, N can just potter around on the farm.

Even when there’s no-one around, he wants to see what’s going on, so I end up taking him for a walk down to the yard.

His current favourite is helping to feed the duck chicks which are in one of the cleared barns.  As it’s electric fenced to keep foxes out, he can only go in with his dad, so we don’t really get to see anything, just their pens…but it reassures him that he’s been to ‘see’ them.

There’s only a few cows still in the barns, but of course we have to visit those to say hello.  N likes to go right up close and shout hello.  I’m not sure they’re that big a fan of this little person wandering over and interrupting their early evening snoozing.

Before he’ll go home, we have to check the tractors and quad bike are parked up nicely.  It takes a while to explain who’s driving them if the men are still out working and they’re not parked up where they should be.

This week, he was investigating the bales next to the cow barn.  A few kicks, and touching the straw, and he realised they weren’t really as exciting as he thought they might have been.

Kicking straw bales
Checking the bales

Now the foliage and blossoms are out fully in the garden, N’s also discovering the little areas in the front garden.  The 2 apple trees create some great cover with overhanging branches, so he likes to hide behind them thinking I can’t see him.

graas seeds
Discovering the joys of pulling the seeds off grasses
wind blowing through trees
Watching the wind blowing through the trees

It’s lovely to have some sunnier evenings for pottering, otherwise it makes life hard when you have to say no to going down the yard.

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  1. As you say it’s so much better when the weather’s behaving. What a lovely place for N to grown up and have the space to have fun exploring. That’s a very beautiful photo of him watching the wind blow through the trees, thanks for sharing with Country Kids.

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