wasgij christmas 6 a very merry christmas

Wasgij Christmas 6 A Very Merry Christmas solution

The Christmas Wasgij puzzles were released fairly fast over 2023-24, and Wasgij Christmas 6 A Very Merry Christmas was a re-release I was able to get hold of. And I’m finally getting round to sharing the solution.

wasgij christmas 6 a very merry christmas

A Very Merry Christmas solution didn’t take long to do, just a few days of puzzling on and off in the evenings.

The box image is of a Christmas Market, thinks different stalls, Christmas jumpers and a snowy night. But with all Wasgij puzzles you need to work out the actual puzzle. With the Christmas range, you need to work out what one of the characters is seeing.

In this case, as so often, it’s a bit of chaos. Father Christmas and Rudolf, and the market is going haywire.

With some of the traditional favourite characters like Granny Wasgij, this is a fun puzzle to do. It wasn’t too hard given it’s one of the earlier Wasgij puzzles which I usually think are more difficult than the newer puzzles.

You can find the solution below, both image and video.

If you’re looking for a useful puzzle board, I use a portapuzzle, and you can find all my other solutions on my guide to doing a Wasgij puzzle.

wasgij christmas 6 very merry christmas solution

Let me know how you got on with Wasgij Christmas 6.

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