Wasgij Original 38 Market Meltdown solution
One of the most recent releases, Wasgij Original 38 Market Meltdown takes you over to the food markets in France. Like many of the newer Wasgij puzzles, Market Meltdown is one of the easier puzzles to complete.

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Like all the other Wasgij Original puzzles, you don’t make what you see on the box image. Instead you need to work out what someone in the image is seeing in front of them. Set in a market place with stall sellers showing their cheeses. Adding the shoppers, there’s a commotion with all the cheeses on display. What chaos results in the puzzle solution?
There’s the traditional old lady in blue who appears in most of the Wasgij puzzles, and the usual comedy moments are there too. You can find my solution by scrolling down.
If you want to find out how to complete a Wasgij without the solution, you can find my step by step guide to help. I find my portapuzzle* invaluable for doing jigsaws on. Wasgij puzzles* can be bought at Amazon, or other puzzle outlets.

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