Ways to de-stress and ideas for self care
Even before the pandemic, people were feeling more stressed out, mental health issues were increasing and they’ve continued to do so since then. We’re more aware than ever before about how important mental health is. For those of us lucky enough not to suffer from any mental health issues, self care and the ability to relax and de-stress is important. Not everyone finds it easy to de-stress and take time out for themselves, but lists can be a good way of doing that.
“Self care is the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress”
By breaking down your thoughts and tasks into manageable chunks, you can organise your mind and make it easier to focus on what really matters.
Lists can provide structure, organization, and a sense of control
Here’s some ways to help reduce stress and practice self care.

Ways to practice self care and de-stress
Read – lose yourself in a book or listen to an audiobook. Choose wisely depending on your mood, but read for your enjoyment not because someone has told you about a good book ‘you should read’.
Listen to music – choose your favourite genre, with lyrics or without. Why not set up playlists for different moods (e.g relaxation, upbeat, mood-boosting)
Dance – dancing can help you come alive. It’s my favourite thing to do, although I prefer to get out for a specific event to dance the night away with others. But if at home, I’m happy to just put on music and dance around the kitchen. As they say ‘dance like no-one’s watching’.
Sing – another moodbooster. Research has proven that singing can improve a person’s mood. Sing along or join a choir.
Get outside – for a walk, just sit in the garden or park and watch the world go by, fly a kite.
Jump in puddles – be like a child without a care in the world.
Smell flowers – using the sense of smell will help relax, and help you appreciate everything around you.
Stroke pets or enjoy time with animals.
Nap – not for too long. 20 minutes nap time is meant to be a good length for adults.
Catch up with friends – combine this with one of the other ideas, like going for a walk or exercising together.
Set yourself a challenge – something that’s different to your everyday and will switch your mind off from normal activities, e.g completing a puzzle.
Meditate – there’s lots of mediation ideas online, on youtube, or try a wellness app like Headspace.
Try breathing techniques – not just for pregnant women or those who have panic attacks. Learning breathing techniques can be good for everything, giving you chance to just focus on that at the time. Try different breathing exercises until you find a technique that works for you.
A simple technique is to take slow, deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. Another method is to breathe in for a count of four, hold for a count of seven, and exhale for a count of eight.
Give up unhealthy habits – drinking, smoking or staying up too late (I’m terrible at staying up way too late). Recently there’s been a decrease in drinking by young people, millennials and Gen Z choosing to drink less, while there’s been a huge increase in alcohol free beers availability and purchasing.
Get active – it doesn’t matter how you do it, but enjoy it and you’ll do more of it. I find dancing around the kitchen while cooking is great.
Hug a friend
See family – being part of a community and family can make you feel more loved and closer to people, able to unload stresses with others.
Volunteer – helping others and doing something worthwhile can bring lots of benefits.
Look for the positives – the more you look for the positives in something, the more you’re likely to feel happier and more lucky in life.
Call a support person – everyone needs someone to unload to, whether it’s a partner, friend or a therapist. Sometimes it’s better for it not to be someone you’re close to, who you’ll feel will be impacted by any of your problems.
Get creative with painting, colouring, or stickers by number sets.
Go to the beach – walk, body board, fly a kite, skate on the promenade, or just sit and people watch or listen to the sea.
Listen to white noise or nature sounds to make you relax and zone out from everyday sounds.
Identify your stress triggers – learn what makes you stressed and find ways to cope and reduce the impact.
Walk – alone, with a dog or with friends.
Exercise – physical activities can help release tension and improve mood. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood boosters. Try different activities, both current interests and new activities, solo and with others.
Mindfulness techniques list – being present in the moment and observing thoughts and feelings without judging those feelings and thoughts. Choose your method from meditation to colouring, to sitting outside and listening to sounds around you.

Eat healthily – increase your fruit and vegetable intake, a well balanced nutritious diet, drink plenty of water, eat at set times through the day, and avoid eating late at night.
Change your sleeping hours to be more productive – but keep them consistent with similar wake up times for weekdays and weekends.
Get plants – plants help bring the outside in, clear the air, and can provide a boost to wellbeing. Green is also a calming colour
Declutter – removing clutter can help you feel unburdened and less enclosed in your space.
Unplug – give time to non screen hobbies and activities.
Scream – if you’re feeling tense and stressed, find somewhere to scream and shout.
Write lists to help organise or reduce the pressures. Think of it like a problem shared is a problem halves in writing format.
List ideas to help reduce stress
- A to-do list can help you prioritise tasks and avoid feeling overwhelmed by everything you need to do.
- Gratitude or happy list – Great for focusing on the positive things in your life and boost your mood.
- Achievements and successes – This list doesn’t have to be the big goals. It can be the little things each day, because the little things can combine to make a big difference.
- Worry list – opposite to gratitude, a worry list can help identify and address specific concerns and worries you have, rather than letting them swirl around in your head. Think ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’ – if you can’t speak to someone, maybe putting pen to paper will help getting concerns out.
- Social support networks – having a support system can help reduce anxiety so why not list all those available or that you think may be useful to you. This could include friends, family, or a therapist. It can be helpful to make a list of people to reach out to when feeling anxious.
- Hopes and dreams list – if you can find a way to have a list of your hopes and dreams without putting pressure on yourself, then this can be a great way to look at opportunities. Break down the big goals into small steps, and be flexible about timings.
Hopefully these ideas will help provide some guidance and allow you to take time out and reduce stress at that point in time.
What do you do to de-stress and relax?