Musical Exploration – month 3
Welcome to the month of my Musical Exploration with Children linky. A few people mentioned they’d missed the link last month. I try to get the linky live on the 15th of each month, and it’s open until the end of the same month. Book it in your blogging diary to link up between those dates.
Here’s last month’s linky if you want to catch up on the posts, and get some ideas of exploring music with your little ones. If you want to to try making your own instruments, then check out Karen at Let Kids Be Kids and try making your own panpipes.. They’re on my list to try!
This month we’ve been listening to a real mix (the whole genre thing wasn’t really happening) including introducing N to female rock. Usually he prefers male singers, but it turns out that some female singers are acceptable. It seems Pink goes down well, especially this one – less rocky, but it’s our Saturday track the local radion station always plays before we head to swimming.
So what’s this Musical Exploration linky about? I want to encourage N’s love of music and help him to explore more music than just nursery rhymes and AC/DC. By introducing more music, genres and instruments, he’ll continue and grow his interest. This linky is about sharing what we’re listening to, what we’ve discovered along the way, and what tools or activities we find that could be interesting to others.
If you listen to music with your children, or would like to start but want ideas, then you’re in the right place. Do link up below and share the linky with others, as I’d love to get more people involved. If you don’t blog but have something to include, so tag me in a photo on instagram, share on my faceboook page or share in the comments below.

My children LOVE music. It’s the first thing they do when we get out the Ipad.
I think it’s great how children are so into music. It’s like it’s something really natural to them. Thanks for commenting