Beautiful water lilies at Bennetts Water Gardens
We visited the lovely water lilies and gardens at Bennetts Water Gardens near Weymouth.
On our camping holiday to Weymouth, over the week there were around 6 lots of mums and their kids at any one time staying in our group. This meant a range of ages of children from babies up to 11 year olds, so it was always going to be a challenge getting all the children (let alone the adults) to be happy with what activities were chosen.
So on several days, families split up with some doing their own thing, and others mostly heading to the beach depending on the age and interest of the child.
After the beach one day, we all left in installments (the joys of arriving at car parks at different times) to head off to different places. We decided to head to Abbotsbury playground, following a couple of others. But try as I might, I could find anywhere to park, or where the actual playground was. After phoning them, and still getting lost, I gave up and decided to see what the Bennetts Water Gardens has in store.
Despite the brown tourist signs pointing to it, I’d not spotted the Water Gardens in any of the tourist leaflets I’d picked up and devoured in planning activities for the week. On turning into the car park, it looked a bit like a garden centre so we almost drove away.

I’m glad we didn’t because it was a real oasis of calm within a pretty frantic Weymouth and surrounding area.

The Water Gardens are simply acres of ponds, mostly cultivating water lily collections to study the growing habits of international varieties.

There’s some really lovely stopping points to over look the ponds, including a Japanese gazebo

And the Monet bridge. N loved pointing out the bridges and small walkways in between the ponds.

As well as the ponds themselves, there’s a woodland walk and a picnic area, although we didn’t make it that far.

For children there’s a nature trail, which is probably best for age 5+. We handed in N’s answers and he was given a reward for completing it which always gives you a bit of peace and quiet while walking round. If you’ve small children you do need to watch out and keep them away from the edge of the ponds because there aren’t any barriers.

The Water Gardens are a lovely place to spend an hour, and if you’ve a bit more time to spare, there’s a café, small museum explaining the water lilies and the clay pits and brick making from the nearby brickworks.
Check out other places to visit nearby in Dorset.
I am so putting this on my list! I love Monet and the bridge and the waterlillies is something next time we are local I am definitely going to be checking out – Hubby’s sister lives nearby so i think we will visit soon. Thank you for the inspiration. #Countrykids
Ah, perfect place for you then. It really is quite special
These do look so beautiful and quiet too, I guess they haven’t paid to be in the tourist packs which must mean they are happy to keep it to those out exploring who discover it. The Monet bridge is really quite spectacular and the pond lilies too. A great find and perfect for a little time out from a very busy sounding camping trip. Thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids.
I only found it in one of the Dorset leaflets i picked up. I think they get a lot of art classes and painters visiting and probably bus trips too given there were coach bays
Such a beautiful place to find, and a shame that it wasn’t included within any leaflets etc that you’d been looking at to plan your visit to the area #countrykids
Totally by fluke, but worked pretty well. I’d not have wanted to spend all morning or afternoon there but great for a brief stop off
That looks lovely and not somewhere I’ve heard of. Have pinned for future reference.
Good for a stop on the way somewhere, but probably not a whole morning or afternoon unless you’re going to get out the watercolours
Beautiful place, it’s great when you find surprise places like this. Could stand on that bridge and look at water lilies for ages.
I know what your mean. It really is a beautiful place