Wasgij Mystery 17 Catching a Break puzzle solution
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On weekday evenings before N’s bedtime, we’re always a bit all over the place at home. The OH eats tea over at the farm early, N’s eaten at after school club usually, so it’s just me to grab a bit to eat. N’s usually doing his homework, the OH has the news on, and it’s a brief quiet period for me. I’ll usually get out my Kindle, but recently I like to have my tea, then get out my current jigsaw puzzle to work on. I sometimes have an hour or so at the weekends depending on what we’re doing, but evenings are great for an hour to progress them. It’s an Autumn/Winter habit.
I was sent the Wasgij Mystery 17 Catching a Break puzzle from Jumbo Games for review. While Wasgij puzzles seem daunting when you start out, the more you do, the easier they get. Plus of course, if you’re stuck, there’s usually a solution online.
If you’ve not come across them before, the image on the front of the Wasgij box isn’t the solution you’re making. With the Mystery range which the Catching a break puzzle is part of, the puzzle solution is the answer to what happens next?
The Catching a break box shows a family having a break, with their pets relaxing. But what happens next to unsettle their peace? This is the picture you need to solve in the puzzle.
I approach jigsaws the same way – pick out the edges, and separate the rest into main colours, then start putting it together. Like all Wasgij puzzles, the quality of the pieces is good, and they generally slot together easily and cleanly. The design picture is clear and bright, and it’s fun to do. It gets your brain thinking. Even when you can put together specific items like people, you still have to work out where those people stand in the puzzle solution.

There were a few tricky bits in this puzzle, where I thought pieces were elsewhere, but it’s always satisfying to complete them. I love the detail and faces in these. The horror of what’s coming next makes me laugh.
You can find the solution below. Or check out my step by step how to complete a Wasgij without checking the solution.

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