Project 52 2020 Week 3 – birthday cookies
It’s been a busy week for Project 52 this week. Week 3 and we’re approaching N’s birthday. It’s a good job I’m not doing a photo a day otherwise there would be a lot of food photos – my camera roll is full of the keto meals for the diet I’m doing.
Anyway onto week 3 of Project 52.
On Sunday we had another lazy day. I got up too late (plus it was a bit miserable) for us to play tennis.
Monday it was back to work and school. School have decided that all children need to be in performances (last year they changed it that even the chorus needed to audition because lots of kids before didn’t listen/behave. N did audition for the company, but spent most of rehearsals sitting around as they only had a group bit at the start so he refused to try this Christmas. Now they’ve realised too many from N’s class didn’t take part). So his class have to lead the parts in an extra performance in May. N is not impressed. He hates drama.
Tuesday N’s private tennis lesson wasn’t on again. The coach isn’t coming back, so we’re trying to arrange privates at another time. There’s a Wednesday slot at the club which we can just about make (hopefully), so he will still get that extra session a week.
On Wednesday I got my forecasting finished at work. It’s a mad time of year with forecasting, my project’s annual event, and planning for next year, on top of the usual project delivery going on.
Thursday was just another working day. The birds have finally got through the 2 bird feeders in the garden. I don’t think any birds have rediscovered them other than the great tits. It was parents evening. N is doing really well – maths is flying as usual, his spelling and writing have shown a really good change since December. His reading is good, but his comprehension needs work. He just doesn’t take in what he’s reading, but they’re doing comprehension booster sessions in groups, which he says is helping give them tips and practice more.
On Friday, I had N’s friend back from school ahead of tennis. The pair of them are always good and sit down to do their homework, before getting changed, another friend being dropped off for a quick play, then heading to tennis. Tennis was sooo cold, and we were in the pavilion, the children were playing outside. The last 15 minutes they headed back to the sports hall where the younger group had just finished.
Saturday seemed to whizz by. No relaxing time until the evening though. We always head to the bakery before swimming, and picked up a few bits in Sainsbury’s before swimming. It turns out N’s class is actually a joint 6 and 7 group. So he’s doing really well as his breast stroke is one of the best in the class, he’s got good crawl technique and today won a backstroke kicking race. Given he’s tiny compared to the others who are mostly 2 school years older, he’s holding his own. He just needs to grow a bit to get stronger arms to help his front crawl. He’s just not as strong as the others.
We spent the afternoon preparing for N’s bowling party on Sunday. He’s just got 5 going along so it’s been fairly straightforward. He made up the party bags, Then we baked. For the first time in the aga because the electric oven isn’t working. He wanted me to do a Victoria sponge but we bought a back up in case it went wrong. But the bowling ball biscuits took so long to do that I didn’t have time on top of making tea.
I’ve proposed that we use the shop bought cake for his party because taking a cake with cream in the middle and putting in bags probably isn’t a good idea. Then I’ll try and make him a cake the day before his actual birthday. The birthday cookies turned out quite well, although my circle piping around the edge needs some practice in steadiness!

My teen hates drama and having to perform at secondary school. Those cookies look tasty, the icing looks good xx
My teen hated drama and having to perform at school too, they don’t make them at secondary school, much to her relief. Those cookies look fab, the icing looks so neat, I can never get it to stay on the cookies.
I enjoy looking at food photos, so a week’s load of foodie images would be welcome. How is your keto diet going? I should check out your post.
Last year’s Eddie’s school made all children take part in the Joseph musical, where most of them were in the choir, and just sat on the floor for half of the production. Somehow it did work.
Hope N doesn’t hate his school performance too much.
Glad to hear the parents’ evening went well.
The diet’s going well. It’s interesting trying different meals. It’s not been as hard as I thought it would be thankfully.
Great work on N’s swimming although short height means he has to work harder to cover more distance as compared to those taller. Cute cookies
The biscuits look yummy! Happy Birthday to N!
Shame about the tutor going.
I put seeds in the bird feeder and its usually empty by the end of the day!
It can be like that for ours too, but at the moment it’s just blue tits.great tits coming. The blackbirds are round the front of the house, I spotted a wagtail but that was on the ground, and no sparrows yet.
Happy Birthday N hope the biscuits went down well, they look lovely. hope the tennis lessons are sorted soon
This week’s tennis happened. We just need to sort out next week and all the rest.
what a shame about the private tutor leaving, hope you get a replacement.
the biscuits are fab. What a sensible woman H and 5 friends instead of the whole class as the normal is here.
Well done on parents night, they cant excel at every subject.
The coach was meant to leave in September but stayed on for a while, 2 other coaches left the company at the same time so they need to find a new one really. We only have whole class parties in Reception to year 2 usually. So much easier
The biscuits look great! It sounds like N is doing really well at school and swimming. I think not being so good at comprehension is a very common problem – kids can read well, but they just don’t take it in properly.
Definitely for boys. Plus of course, N rarely reads so he doesn’t get that breadth of understanding that you would get from lots of reading.
Those biscuits look amazing. Happy birthday to N and hope he had a good party. Well done to him on a good report at parents’ evening and on doing so well with his swimming too. Hope that you manage to sort out the private tennis lessons too. #project366
Thanks Louise, he had a great time. 1 tennis lesson down, just to sort out the transport for the rest.
I do like your bowling biscuits. I hope the school performance thing isn’t too much of a drag for N in practice.
Those biscuits look good, very well themed. The performance at school sounds like a nightmare like I said last week #366
Ugh why do schools do things like that?! It doesn’t help anyone when they force performances on people. The biscuits look great 🙂 It sounds like swimming is going great, I’m sure the strength will come!
Why do schools do that? I hope he manages to find a way to enjoy the performances. We are the same this time of year and very rarely make it out of the house on the weekends. I think the biscuits are brilliant, Ive heard it can be quite difficult to bake in an aga. Hope he has a great birthday party.
Uh-oh! The performances don’t sound like much fun for N. I hope he finds a way to enjoy it. It sounds like his swimming is going well.
I hope N has a fab party! The biscuits look fab! Happy birthday to him x