8 signs you’re growing up
When I was a child, I didn’t really see myself as growing up. And I don’t think there was a particular age I thought of as being grown up.
Maybe on leaving university.
Or getting married.
Or having children.
As I couldn’t see myself doing either of the last two, I was pretty safe in always being young!
Having birthdays and being a year older never really got me down like some people. It’s just another year. Another year of not feeling any older. Even having N, I don’t feel much older than I did 10 years ago. I’m just wiser, and more confident of standing up for my views (although I always did anyway).
But I’m definitely turning into my mother. At least in some of the things I say. And I think most mums would say the same. Hearing phrases their mums said to them coming out of their own mouths to their own children.
While I definitely don’t feel like I’m 40, there are certain activities and things I now like that I think I’ve grown into. And talking to my best friend, she says the same.

Signs of growing up
1, Changing music tastes
Turning off Radio 1 and moving to Radio 2. I made the switch years ago due to having a long commute and needing a good travel bulletin without changing commercial stations every time the signal went. I also find that now I appreciate and am happy listening to more country music and folk (I always had pretty eclectic music tastes, but now they’ve broadened even more).
2, Going to the cinema on your own
Many people would be horrified at the thought of doing this, but try it. The first time I did it, I thought it was really liberating. And you can leave when you want instead of sitting through (or not) the credits. You can also leave, thinking or enjoying the film in your own way, instead of being forced to dissect the performances and plot.
The same applies for the theatre. Although you do need to be prepared for some odd looks.
3, Getting National Trust membership
It seems a lot of younger people are now members, especially those with children. Yes, you still see lots of elderly people, but in supporting the charity and historic sites in our country, we get bargain days out and lots of space for children to run around in.
4, Appreciating flowers and gardens
Note I’ve not said enjoying gardening. I still don’t have any interest in doing that, but I love to walk in gardens and photograph flowers.
5, Appreciating art forms previously scorned
I’ve always loved dance, but contemporary dance really wasn’t something I enjoyed watching. Now I find I’m happy to watch and enjoy contemporary dance. Although art is still a struggle and not something I’m particularly enamoured with.
6, Choosing shoes and clothes for comfort over fashion
And that largely means flat shoes (apart from nights out). At the moment I’m begrudging the fact that I need to buy a dress for a black tie 40th that I’ll likely only ever wear once, and will also need a pair of shoes because I only have pretty shoes which are dance shoes (indoor only) or flat sandals.
7, Finding a lipstick which suits
In the past I’ve tried lipsticks but they all look like I’m a 5 year old with her mum’s lipstick on so I stuck with lipgloss or stain. But finally I’ve found a lipstick that looks ok. It’ll take a bit of time to get used to, but for nights out I’m going to feel quite glam. Once I’ve worked out how to keep it off my teeth.
8. Becoming more interested in politics
Until a couple of general elections ago I wasn’t really that interested in politics. But now I’ll happily watch news and documentaries about it. Read websites to glean information prior to the elections. And even be engrossed in the US election. I think as I’ve got older I’ve got more interest in the future, what’s going to happen for our children, and I’ve got more want to make a sensible decision. Plus of course, there’s more coverage in the traditional and social media
What makes you feel grown up?
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I gave up on wearing heels. Actually, I just tossed them all. I have never really enjoyed wearing heels. I also don’t seem to share that love of shoes most women have. So, I have no regrets about switching to flats. I felt weird doing this in my 20’s, as I was supposed to want to dress up and go out. Now, after having my son, I realized that I didn’t care what others thought and tossed the heels. I guess that is one thing that makes me feel grown-up – going with my own style instead of the trends. #brilliantblogposts
The thought of the cinema on my own sounds like heaven! Thanks for linking up to #TheList x
It’s very liberating I find.
The comfortable clothes and shoes is so me these days, sod any high heals these days its all about the snuggly, warm shoes.
Hmm, I didn’t tick that many of your boxes, so I can cling to my youth a bit longer, haha! It’s silly things for me, like making doctors appointments for my children that make me feel sort of like a grown up! x #TheList
Lol, yes that does feel a bit strange…and having to keep track of them all. Plus cooking a roast each week (not that I do a full one that regularly)
Like you, I still don’t feel grown up in a lot of ways. Sometimes I almost forget I’m actually my kids’ mum and think I’m just their friend having a laugh with them! I’m still a dedicated Radio 1 listener, but I do begrudge spending money on things I will only wear once and will often borrow stuff from my mum for special occasions.
I guess the thing that makes me feel most grown up is having a 15yo son who is significantly taller than me!
Radio 1 hurts my ears. You’re obviously much cooler than me! I nabbed a couple of items from my mum’s wardrobe when we were clearing it after she died. I’ve had a lot of compliments on some cardis.
N is certainly going to be taller than me. All the men in the OH’s family are 6ft, the tallest in mine is only 5ft 10.
Yes! This list is spot on and I was nodding away to every one of these. Like you, I’m not sure I feel particularly older than I did ten or even twenty years ago, but there are definitely changes and you’ve nailed them here.
Thanks Jocelyn. It’s definitely one of those things that certain activities and sayings just all of a sudden hit you that actually you are growing up and getting older.