Preparing for back to school after lockdown
Despite everything changing with this upcoming school year, to be a bit unknown, I’m feeling quite relaxed about it. Well, maybe a bit too relaxed. The whole preparing for back to school has been a little bit ignored really, thinking that we’re all set.

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Preparing for back to school before this year
In the past I’ve been really efficient with my back to school planning .Uniform was bought for the next size up, usually in the M&S 20% off uniform promotion at the start of the summer. Logo jumpers and polos in next size if needed are ordered in July.
Usually I’d know what after school clubs he was going to be booked on, and where he’d be going for wraparound care.
Relevant pens and pencil cases would be bought and everything labelled.
We’d have bought school shoes.
But it’s different this year after having 5 months away from school.
Preparing for school after lockdown
This year it feels like we just have to take things as they come. Everything could change at any point. N like many others, has been out of school since March. Home school and then obviously summer holidays.
He seems fairly relaxed but I did ask him how he was feeling about going back, asking if he was worried. Nope. He seemed fairly chilled about it although he did mention at another time ‘if cases go up again I’m not going back’. Er, yes you are love, unless there are local lockdowns. Unless he wants to pay the fines for not being in school.
I managed to get him to try on clothes and shoes. His school shoes were only replaced 2 weeks before lockdown so I’m very pleased they still fit. His school winter coat needs a good wash but otherwise still fits well, and he’s got a lighter coat ready in the next size up for warmer autumn days.
I’m hoping for a warm September. His wardrobe has 11 pairs of school shorts, 4 unworn, because they were bought as next size up, ready for next year but were still too big. This year I don’t think he’ll wear them, then next summer they’ll be too small. Sigh.
His school trousers fit ok, although the bottom and hips will be a little tight if he grows upwards fast. I’ve been unable to order the next size up because his size is out of stock everywhere online. Looks like I’ll need a visit to the store in case they’re available there. Logo top halves are bought.
School lunches for the first 2 weeks are booked, with a packed lunch on the first day because the ordering system is giving us 2 veggie options and not the 3 options that were on the menu. Must remember to actually pack him a lunch that day – he’s not had a packed lunch since he was at nursery!
I’m still working at home so until I’m back in the office he won’t need wraparound care. After that, I’ve no idea what will happen as the only choice isn’t really suitable anymore now he’s getting older. Maybe by the summer he’ll be old enough to cycle to and from school on his own, there’s usually someone at the farm for when he would get home. The OH won’t be able to pick him up every day. We’ll sort that out when the time comes to it.
One thing this year we need to prep for, is how things in school will work with the new Covid19 normal. N hasn’t experienced the staggered playtimes, bubbles or rules in school that many of the other children have. He’s also in a new class. The top class in school, and it’ll be taught by the head teacher.
He’s not worried because he knows he’ll be fine as long as he works hard, doesn’t mess around, and does what he’s meant to. But he also knows it’s going to be very different because of the difference in teaching styles. Everything in year 5 will be new as the younger year in the class, so they’re back in with the older year group. Hopefully he’ll be seated next to a non-fidgeter, non chatty, and non table hogger. He’s a bit particular my son!
I’m hoping N settles back in well, and all the new rules of bubbles etc don’t faze him too much.
All I need to remember for the first day (apart from a lunchbox) is to take a first day photo because I usually forget.
When do your children start back?