Blogger tag Q&A
I spotted this blogger tag Q&A on Catherine’s blog Pushing the Moon, and decided that even though I’d not been tagged, I would take part. Because sometimes it’s good to share a bit about yourself. Isn’t that what blogging is about – sharing something whether it be thoughts or things to do with you in some way.
When was the last time you cried?
I can’t remember the exact time, but probably when watching a film or tv programme. I cry all the time when watching tv. When I was a child I used to get upset at Lassie and The Littlest Hobo tv shows, and would cry watching or reading International Velvet. Then I stopped crying until I went off to 6th form to board – living with a whole load of other girls wore me down. Now I cry loads but usually when reading or watching things.
If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?
I’d hope so. I’m very loyal as a friend, give good advice, and I’m pretty good at listening. But I do have a tendency to talk a lot.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
A bit, although it doesn’t work well with a 7 year old who takes everything at face value.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Face, smile and eyes. Or maybe clothes if It’s someone walking down the street.
Scary movie or happy endings?
Happy endings all the way. And I like movies to have a proper good end, not one that leaves you not sure what happens
Favourite smells?
The outdoors fresh smell after a good thunderstorm, freshly mown grass.
What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home?
New Zealand
Do you have any special talents?
Most of my talents I’ve let lapse (playing musical instruments). Now, I suppose it’s dancing, or picking up dances really quickly.
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
Blogging is my main hobby – one I do pretty much every day. My other big hobby is dancing – modern jive/ceroc and west coast swing, although I’ve been quite I also love to read, photography, going on days out, eating out.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
Ballet dancer, musician in an orchestra, vet, solicitor. I’m none of those, although I do still dance (not ballet)
How many countries have you been to?
Not that many – Wales, Scotland, Ireland, France, Italy, Austria, Spain, Portugal, New Zealand, US, and driven through Germany. And I live in England.
What was your favourite/worst subject in school?
I was a bit of a swot at school. My favourite was Geography (I did it for my degree), but I also liked English and maths. Science – specifically physics was my nemesis. I was good at chemistry, could live with biology, but hates physics. My chemistry teacher couldn’t understand why I didn’t get it given I was good at maths. The teachers might have had something to do with it.
What is your favourite drink?
Alcoholic is Pimms and lemonade. Otherwise, Cawstons fizzy rhubarb
What would you (or have you) named your children?
I don’t share N’s name on the blog or social media. I had a whole side of possible girls names but only 2 names I liked for boys. The one we didn’t choose was Oliver.
Who are some of your favourite YouTubers?
I don’t really watch YouTube. Occasionally I’ll watch a bloggers vlog if it’s embedded, but generally I watch YouTube for dancing videos, answering questions (although I’d rather read copy than watch a video), or amazing musicians my brother’s sent me a link to.
How many boyfriends have you had?
Serious ones 2, 9 in total
Favourite memory from childhood?
So many. From sitting on the stairs with my dad when I was about 3, when he was going off to shift. Playing out on the green in front of our house with all the other children who lived on our estate. To study field trips with school. And great times at 6th form.
How would you describe your fashion sense?
Casual and comfortable. I live in jeans and then a various range of tops. What’s funny is that several of my friends like clothes shopping with me because I’m full of lots of good advice and knowledge on what would work well for them and where from.
Tell us one of your bad habits!
Liking bad food, and too much of it. (and biting my nails – I stopped fleetingly once I was engaged, and when pregnant but straight after both wedding and baby, I couldn’t stop biting again. I’ve given up trying!)
If you want to join in the blogger tag, please do let me know and I’ll come and have a read.
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I found your post through pinterest looking for a good q&a! Great questions! I wish I would have stayed with dance more then I did, only did it for a few yeas as a little girl. I was more into band and choir as I was growing up. I joined in on the fun as well. I enjoyed blogging them! Feel free to take a look at mine if you want too.
The great thing about dance is you can go back to it later on even though you stopped when younger. Thanks for stopping by
I joined in.. .although I’m not British and just a bit too southerly to qualify as British Columbian. I do love your blog though – so many great posts!