Britmums blog carnival – sit back and get ready to read
After waiting what seems like ages (there was a seriously long list ahead of me), it’s my turn to host the Britmums Blog Carnival. This is chance for me and you to find new blogs to read, comment and subscribe to. This month’s carnival has a bit of an informal parenting theme going on so sit back, put your feet up and get ready to laugh, nod and question along with each blog owner.
As Halloween approaches, we start thinking about decorating homes and dressing up. If you’re like me, then you always need some prompts for ideas. For little ones, these handprint ghosts from Jenny at Treading on Lego are simple but effective, and for preschoolers+ they could try have a go at making these easy spider decorations from The Gingerbread House. I think N could have a good go at spooking his aunt with some of these.

It’s so hard to keep children entertained sometimes, but so often we forget about the mostly free resources that we have out in many towns. The library is one of those, and although we’ve not been for a while to ours, it does offer a lot as well as books. Cass at Frugal Family shares 10 reasons to visit the library…not just for children. Definitely use the libraries or lose them.
N likes to play with the library scanners so it’s always always a rush to get him out before he embarrasses me. Children do have a tendency to do or like strange things, and at Twinderelmo has double the dose of trouble (plus an older boy). She shares the weird things that toddlers love and had me chuckling at gravel and tongues. I can relate…we have a lot of licking and licky kisses going on at the moment. Yuck. One good thing about N embracing and sticking out his tongue more, is that it’s helped him with his tongue tie.
Children don’t always seem to have much love for their siblings. I know my mum used to worry that my younger brother and I would physically fight each other; she didn’t want us to not talk when we were grown up. We get on really well now, and hopefully Mum in a Nutshell Ali’s children will listen to her open letter to them…because all siblings will have someone else to understand them. This was a really poignant post for me having lost our mum just under a year ago.
Finally, Judith from Make me an Earth Mother questions whether she’s been eating yoghurt wrong all this time. How do you eat yours?
Hope you’ve been introduced to some new blogs and enjoyed what you’ve read. Check out the Britmums Blog Carnival schedule and submit your posts for future round ups.
What a lovely list and those spiders look great!
Thanks. I’m in agreement on the spiders. So easy, would be great for a party or to even extend to other insects
Thanks for sharing my post xx
No worries. It helped me get round to reading more people’s blogs rather than never getting round to them!
I totally missed the deadline the last few days have been crazy. Thank you for hosting and I hope you enjoyed the process, now of to read a few contributions :0) Have a lovely week
It does always come up really quickly, usually just when things are manic. Thanks for stopping by – hope you enjoy the reads.
Thank you ~ I have been looking for some new blogs to read
Glad to be of service. Short one this time round, but enjoyed hosting it.