Alternative Christmas nativity play and characters
Before N was at school I often heard rumblings around this time of year, about the Christmas play. But it wasn’t always the nativity which you would expect to see.
No, the nativity had been extended to encompass any type of random creature that you wouldn’t normally expect. I presume this is because teachers (and potentially parents with several children) got sick of teaching young children the same nativity play each year. Instead the Christmas play scripts on offer have increased in number, and with that the types of characters.

Last year, N’s play was traditional. No crabs or mermaids included. But this year it’s a Strictly Come Dancing style nativity, complete with judges, hosts and funky camels.
This year N is a shepherd. An easy costume I thought, until the outfit requirement list was sent home and I discovered I needed to provide white top and trousers (white trousers in winter for children!) and ribbons for a morris dancing shepherd.
So I wondered what other children were being in their nativities…I can only suggest not taking a mouthful of tea until you’ve read these.
Rebecca When I was a child we had the younger school kids do the normal nativity and then three from the older class (me included) make a guest appearance. The older kids were from the future and landed back and not understanding what the nativity was. We were dressed in white space suits and I had to wear one of those strips over my eyes – think Geordi from Star Trek!
Isabella My eldest had Jessie J’s Not/All About the money and they were throwing monopoly money at the poor wise men, Mary & Joseph and baby Jesus. We all looked a little shell shocked afterwards
Jemma My son played a parsnip once in his nursery play. Apparently they let him pick his own character (what in the world??!!) Joseph picked him up and packed him for a snack on their journey to Bethlehem! The following year they also let them pick their characters (they clearly hadn’t learnt their lesson) and he was a Red Devil. Surely that’s highly inappropriate for a nativity???!! This year my daughter is now at the nursery. There is no nativity. I’m almost disappointed!!
Carly One of Gracie’s friends was upset this year as she was cast as a ‘spinning piece of cheese’ and they are rapping a song called ‘Danger in the Manger’
Abbie Lou – My niece was incy wincy spider
Julie – I have an emu. I’m so glad I’m stressing about a b****y emu costume so he can point up a tree
Emma – E has been a narrator for the last 2 years but was a mince pie in reception!!
Penny – W is a cowboy this year!
Wendy – a Christmas light
Karen – A is a donkey this year. her friend is a naughty angel, i’m looking forward to seeing that
Are your children in a Christmas nativity this year? What part are they playing?
Try one of these related posts
Brilliant. My son’s school doesn’t really do a nativity, instead each year group performs something different around a common theme. Last year it was Christmas movies but I can’t for the life of me remember what his class did, how bad is that? This year the them is round the world and they are all,performing Christmas songs from around the world so he’s having to learn one in Spanish, he’s only 7! He’ll be dressed as an elf and has actually made the costume at school.
That’s quite a nice way to do it, although they do that kind of thing in their church services and assembly so wouldn’t be that different for his school. They do a nativity in our school until they’re in Y3, then it’s another christmas play.
Reading through them again has never in giggle fits on the train this morning. Enjoyed it xx
Has had me***
I’ve just shown my friend the article and now we’re both giggling like two little school girls