Cobra paw game review
Sometimes games just suit you as a family. And sometimes they’re not quite right straight away and you need a bit more time to play and see if a game grows on you. Cobra Paw is one of the latter games for us. We were sent Cobra Paw game to try it out and review.
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At a first look, Cobra Paw is a bit like dominoes. Well, there’s black tiles with 2 colours parts on it. And the game involves matching coloured patterns. But that’s where the similarity ends. To make the game a bit more exciting than a pure matching game, there’s a story around the history of the game. For children who like a good story, the game is introduced by Master Meow, who says
“The Cobra Paw technique can not be taught, only discovered
The rules of play are done in a fun way using this theme of ninja power including rules, code of conduct and 3 variations depending on whether you’ve got 2 people challenging the opponent or more people.
The game is played by putting all the Clawfuku stones face up on a table, then rolling the Catnippon dice to show the pattern everyone needs to look for on the stones. As soon as the dice fall, each player has to be the first to find the matching stone and grab it. If you win the stone it has to go face up in your collection within reach on the table. Because you can pick up from the pool on the table, but also from an opponent’s pile. The winner of the stone, rolls the dice again.
Cobra Paw is a fast paced game, or it should be if your children play fair and get on with things. N wasn’t keen on the fact I could (and did) take his stones. We could play the game in about 15 minutes – the first to collect 6 stones in their collection wins the game. With more players, there could be more stealing of stones and it could last a bit longer. But it’s a quick game if you’ve only got a short time for a family game.
Our games all went to pots when N refused to let me take the stones I’d grabbed from his pile. He accused me to being too fast to see all the stones. I did win, but he didn’t do badly. I think games like Cobra Paw would be good for him to learn to focus better and ignore distractions.
What we liked about Cobra Paw
- It’s short and snappy
- There’s a few variations so you can play a different version each time
- Adding the story means a bit more interest for reasily bored children.
- It doesn’t need much to play the game. Just the stones and dice and a table or floor.
What we’re not so keen on
- The story. It’s just not my kind of thing and N wasn’t that interested in the ninja aspect.
- Cobra Paw would make a great game to take away on holiday or on a break. It’s a shame there’s no little bag provided, just the box.
You can buy [amazon_textlink asin=’B077TCGG8R’ text=’Cobra Paw’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’bubbaandme-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’6e807131-f80b-11e8-b581-db4b8dd8532f’] from Amazon or othe stockists.
Disclosure: We were sent Cobra Paw as part of the Asmodee UK board games club.