Review: Colgate ProClinical electric toothbrush
I’ve never used an electric toothbrush but always fancied getting one. It’s just the choice and confusion that’s always put me off actually getting round to doing anything about it. However I’ve recently been sent the new Colgate ProClinical electric toothbrush to try out and review. I was also sent some Colgate Total toothpaste (which is great as I like using toothpaste like that which does everything without me having to use lots of different treatments).

The toothbrush is quite long, but you can take off the brush part to store it in the handy travel case (means no little fingers fiddling around with it if it’s hidden away). Duly charged (initially takes 16 hours), the instructions explained the 3 different modes clearly. I found the optimal mode a bit vicious, so changed it to sensitive ; that seems to work fine for my teeth. The modes enable you to thoroughly clean the different parts of your teeth in the best way – molars, sides and front. I like the fact it times 2 minutes, and after each 30 seconds there’s a little pause to indicate you can move to the next part of your mouth.
The brush itself has different sections to ensure it gets to each part of the tooth, so I know they’re getting a good clean. Over time, they say that there should be an up to 5x plaque removal compared to manual brushing.
It advises charging twice a week or earlier if it starts to slow during brushing, but so far after a few days, it doesn’t seem to need any further charging. Hopefully at my dentist appointment on Friday they’ll be impressed with the improved cleanliness of my teeth.
Disclaimer: As a BzzAgent, I received a toothbrush and toothpaste to test.