wasgij mystery 26 date night solution

Wasgij Mystery 26 Date Night puzzle solution

In 2024 we’ve seen quite a few new Wasgij releases. It feels like more than in previous years. Obviously it helps that some are retro releases – revised versions of old puzzles.  But there’s also been some new ones and Wasgij Mystery 26 Date Night is one of the recent ones.

wasgij mystery 26 date night solution

As a Mystery Wasgij you need to imagine what happens next from the box picture. What kind of comedy chaos might happen to the characters.

As with many Wasgij puzzles, Granny Wasgij is there, along with some other recognisable characters and colour motifs.

Having not done any Wasgij puzzles for a while, this one did take me a bit of time and more sessions than normal to get my head back into it.  I do find this is the case, especially if I’ve not done any puzzles for a while, but more so with the Wasgij ones as there is more to think about with them.

You can find the Date Night solution further down the page.  If you want a step by step guide on completing a Wasgij or my other Wasgij solutions, you can find them in my how to do a Wasgij post.

My favourite Portapuzzle is still going strong, and you can buy your Wasgij puzzles from many online puzzle specialists, as well as Amazon and high street stores like Argos, The Works and Hobbycraft.

wasgij mystery 26 date night

Let me know how you get on with this Wasgij Mystery 26 Date Night puzzle.

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