Dressing up: hats & mirrors
We don’t have a dressing up box, and so far N’s not really been interested in wearing other items of clothing. Ok, so he likes putting on adult shoes that are lying around, but if we go to soft play and we see other children dressing up in the costumes, he doesn’t seem to even notice them let alone pick up any of the discarded clothes.
But I’ve been sorting out all his old clothes, working out which to pass on to friends, which to store and which to sell. I found a couple of his old hats (age 3-6m), so he was quite happily trying them on and bopping around the room.
He’s really vain as well and loves looking at himself in the mirror, all the better if he looks silly.

He does have a Christmas costume as we’re having a Christmas get together with the toddlers and he seems quite excited by that. Although it was more about the prop than the actual costume! Lots of people have suggested to start building up a fancy dress collection so maybe I should start picking up items I see that could be good.
Any essentials you’d recommend are key to a good dressing up box?