Easy M&M chocolate blocks
If you want to make your own chocolate treats and make them more unique, then chocolate bark is a great way to do it. But I’ve found sometimes it can get a bit melty, so needs keeping in the fridge. The alternative is using moulds to make different shapes and fun novelty ideas. Maybe you don’t want to make your treats too ‘young’ or want to make them Christmassy without buying moulds. Why not try making your own M&Ms chocolate blocks with a bubble mould similar to a pop it fidget toy.

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What silicone moulds to use?
Most parents have pop it toys (bubble pop toys) in their house somewhere – we’ve had them from party bags or winnings from seaside arcade tickets in our case. They’re super easy to use because they’re silicone so easy to remove the hardened chocolate from.

Unfortunately they’re not foodsafe silicone but if you search online you can find food grade moulds that do a similar job. Try this on Truly Personal or this on Silicone Moulds.
Or this from bubble mould* would create a much more abstract bubble bar.
Of course, I didn’t think about the food so did a one off try for this post, but I think I’d buy one of the moulds above to use regularly. It’s a shame they’re not more readily available in foodsafe silicone because the chocolate is so easy to break strips off from due to the ridges

To make your personalised M&M chocolate blocks
- M&Ms – either chocolate, or I used the crispy ones. Peanut probably won’t fit in most moulds
- Chocolate of choice – I used milk, but you could use dark, or even a mix of white and milk. I love the Callebaut drops* if buying in bulk, otherwise just cheap supermarket chocolate will be fine. It’s all down to taste.
1. Put an M&M in each bubble of the mould. I chose red and green for a Christmas theme, but did just run out by a couple of red.

2. Melt the chocolate in a bain marie (bowl over a pan of simmering water), or gently in the microwave, stirring every 20-30 seconds until melted).
3. Pour the melted chocolate over the M&Ms and across the mould. If using 2 different chocolates, you could pour up and down in turn, or both at the same time and swirl them slightly together.

4. Put the filled mould into the fridge to harden for an hour or so.
5. Once set, gently peel off the mould. Either break to serve, or why not wrap in cellophane to give as a gift.

Can you use other chocolates inclusions?
M&S are the best size as they’re nearly round and small. Other chocolates like aero bubble would be too large, and Smarties or similar would be too wide/long. But it depends on the size of your mould.
How should the chocolate be stored?
The chocolate should be fine stored at room temperature assuming you don’t live somewhere hot or you’ve got all your heating on high. If that’s the case then the fridge is fine. Store covered for as long as needed. Otherwise somewhere cool and dry.
If you don’t have moulds you can always make chocolate bark by melting bars of chocolate in a lined tray, then pressing in chocolate, sweet or savoury pieces randomly before letting it set.

Have you tried making chocolate in moulds?
If these are food safe I can see these being a lot of fun! I like that they look christmassy too!
There are similar food grade moulds available just like these.
I saw this idea on TikTok a while ago but it was the middle of the summer so not the right time to do it. I need to try it now. My youngest has loads of those pop it toys. These look great. x
I made mine in one. Didn’t even think of them not being foodgrade. For a one off i was fine using it. I might invest in a proper mould as theyre pretty fun and v easy to make.