Back to enjoying photography again
Over the last year I’ve got really lazy about my photography. I’ve been bored and turned off by Instagram – it’s a time suck for no enjoyment and a lot of slog if you want any of your photography to be seen. Which goes against the whole point of Instagram, to share images and discover others. But if I’m not using Instagram, and N doesn’t want his photo taken, then I’ve fewer reasons to pick up the camera.

Instead of using my camera I’ve been relying on my phone camera, especially because it’s quick to switch between camera and video. Plus I’m using my phone to create videos from photos so it’s faster than getting camera images to my phone. Anything for a quick easy life.
But being on lockdown has meant I’ve started enjoying photography again.
I’m still working full time, but from home at the moment. Usually my commute is only 7 miles, up to 25 minutes at peak times. But add on a bit of time for school drop off and after school pick up, and that’s being out of the house from 8 til nearly 6. Lunchtimes aren’t really long enough to get anywhere interesting to take photos. So time is limited except for weekends.
But lockdown means that extra time is mine. I’m trying to finish work earlier so I can get tea at 5. That means more free time after tea, as well as a bit of time if I need to get out in the day. Although ‘getting out’ only means around the farm and garden, with the occasional trip to the local shop, there are still photo opportunities, helped by the mostly good weather.

Good spring weather always makes me want to get outside and get the camera out.
Not forgetting blossom on the hedges and trees.
And new flowers blooming.
We’ve had new lambs on the farm and calves let out into the fields.
Puppies growing rapidly.
How N is growing up, taking to home schooling and learning more on the farm..

There’s also been more going on at home. Diarising what we’re up to during this time at home to look back on. Changing a bit of tack on the blog as I rediscover my enjoyment of cooking again. So some need for food photography, which isn’t my forte. Especially for main meals when it needs to be served up rather than faffing around taking photos.

What I’m also doing is going to pull together photos and quick videos to create a lockdown video. This will be for us to look back on this time, and remember the day in day out we spent at home, on the farm. Rather than out and about all the time, as usually we spend only weekends and holidays for any amount of time together.
It will be our timeline of how life was a different pace.
How it was simpler.
Trying to buy local for food.
A reminder of things we enjoyed and didn’t enjoy. Grasping any conversations we can have with food delivery drivers.
But also a reminder by absence of the things we missed, like going out dancing, no tennis training or matches, no seeing non family members.
I hope that once lockdown is over, that we’re able to get as much back to normal as possible without worrying what we can and can’t do. Or what we want to do with no worries. That I’ll still have my reinvigorated love for photography again.
Because there’s so much out there to appreciate and photograph, not just in our small bubble of being.
Have you rediscovered something during lockdown?
Your photos are gorgeous!
I’m glad you’ve started to enjoy photography again. I think it is easier to take photos at this time of year with everything growing in the garden and the sun mostly shining. x
Oh Emma!!! These photos are beautiful. I too am guilty of using my phone and, even With a new pedigree lamb, I used my phone. You’ve inspired me. I will get my camera out tomorrow
Thanks Emma. It is so hard to remember to get the camera out – especially when you need to get the right lens on. I do want to get out at night and try some star shots.