Haircut trip with Dad
It’s not often we go out as a family as the OH’s always working. Sometimes if there’s a daytime BBQ or party of mutual friends then we’ll be there, but otherwise it’s always me taking N off somewhere. So when we do go out, even for mundane occasions it’s quite a novelty for N. For me it makes me laugh, as I wonder what the OH thinks about the things that N does and knows when we’re out and about together.
Our most recent, of the count on one hand, times that we’ve been out as a family was to the barber’s the other week. I’m not entirely sure why I needed to be there, but it was assumed I’d be going too. I remember the last time we went to that small local town was when N was about 4 weeks old and we went to the bank to open a shoot account for the OH’s ‘syndicate’. It’s been a while.
Roll on 2014, 3 years later and it was very different. N taking charge, pointing to his dad the way we had to go.
‘That’s the way to swimming, Daddy’
‘We’re going to have a haircut, the shop’s down there’.
And of course all the chatter in the car and once we’d arrived.
We’d got there first thing to avoid the queues, but still had to sit and wait for the guy in the chair already to have his haircut finished. Being summer holiday time, there’s quite often only one women working there, rather than both. But it wasn’t too long a wait.
N waited patiently for his dad to have his hair cut, and then it was his turn. Clambering up on the booster, sitting nicely, moving his head as asked.
Then it came to paying. They always ask if it’s ok for the child to have a lolly. I always say no as it’s usually the hard boiled ones and I’d rather N didn’t have those (they usually have a little chocolate alternative to give anyway). Of course, the OH doesn’t think anything of it, and says yes. I say no thanks. Luckily they had a refresher sweet so that was slightly better. At least N can’t swallow that one whole and chews bits off, otherwise he would have been disappointed. When I’m there he doesn’t noticed I’ve said no, but just wonders why there’s no chocolate if they don’t offer him that after. So when you’ve got another adult not used to the protocol, it can be a little irritating when you then have to be the baddy.
N did love being out with his dad. It was only fleeting, probably an hour at most before we dropped the OH back at the farm to do some work, while we headed off swimming. It would be nice to have all 3 of us out together more frequently, but blimey, it’s harder work.

Do you find it’s more straightforward when it’s just you taking the children out, or easier when you’re out as a family?
It is so hard when others have different rules. I struggle with the grandparents but for the most part Mr P and I agree so that always helps. I hate being labeled the mean or bad parent though. But happens alot. hahaha Great post thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme
I know what you mean about different people having different rules. The husband and I are fairly consistent with one another but grandparents can be another story! We’ve yet to go to the hairdressers – my eldest is a girl and her hair only really started growing longer a few months back. She was pretty bald until 18 months! #ShareWithMe
Oh yes, grandparents do frequently come up in conversations about what they do to spoil.
I remember when N’s hair started to grow – took ages to thicken up.
If I take my monkeys somewhere alone I have certain rules and ways of doing things but if daddy’s there everything changes. Winds me up
OH yes. They don’t often think do they? Mine’s probably stressed from being away from the farm!
I think it’s always a challenge when you always take the kids places and you have certain rules. When someone else comes and they don’t know the set rules it’s quite hard because 1) you feel bad because you being out in the ‘baddy’ corner and 2) all your hard work down the drain.
Exactly how I feel. Especially when you’re always the person 90% of the time, it’s hard when they don’t think about things first.