Looking at his map

Interview with a 4 year old

I started doing this interview with N when he turned (almost) 2 ½ years old.  He wasn’t very vocal either then or when he hit 3 years old, but this year we’ve had a lovely chat about what he likes.  I’m thinking I need to talk more about what I do, given he seems to know nothing, but at least it’s good he didn’t say ‘nothing’.

So here’s N’s answers to the interview as a 4 year old.

What’s your favourite colour?  Pink and purple

What’s your favourite toy? Fastrac (his new Britains Fastrac from Granny and Gramps for his birthday.  We’re currently upgrading from the Bruder toys to Britains diecast.  He does make us chuckle because he misses off the F when he says the name!)

What’s your favourite food? Macaroni cheese

What’s your favourite tv show? Peppa Pig (arrgghhhh)

Where do we live? Here.  On earth

What does mummy do? Don’t know (it’s a mystery to me too!)

What does daddy do? Lots of work.  Cows work, feeding the cows and driving the quad bike.  Feeding the pheasants.  Daddy does lots of jobs.

Who’s your best friend?  R (his cousin)

What do you want to be when you grow up? Be a farmer. Do lots of jobs on the farm. (hmmph)

What’s your favourite thing to do with mummy? Watch the television (eh?  All those exciting places I take him and we do together at home and away, and he likes watching the tv with me!?)

What’s your favourite thing to do with daddy? Jobs (at least he’s consistent with last year’s answers)

If you could go anywhere, where would you go? I’ll look at my map (gets a piece of paper with a squiggle on it)…it says we have to go on a train to a party and take our phones to ring people to come.

What makes you happy? parties

What makes you sad? If someone hits us.  I’ll put my grumpy face on.

What makes you scared? I’m frightened of the dark (he says he is, but he’ll quite happily wander round in the dark and walk from the farm to our house in pitch black without holding my hand)

What’s your favourite sport? Football. We have the football man at nursery, and do football in the field and rugby (football yet, not sure about the rugby!)

What’s your favourite book? (…takes an age to decide) The Captain book (me puzzled ‘The one with the girl pirates?) Yes…The Night Pirates.

Looking at his map

I love some of his answers, they’re so funny and it’s really interesting to see how he’s changed and how much more he relates to the world and people around him.

So far, him hitting four has achieved one big thing…he’ll get dressed on his own in the mornings. Whoop.  Yesterday he did it all alone, today he did have a bit of help because Daddy was floating around the house rather than being out working, but no complaints or running away which is definitely a good thing.  The next thing we need to crack is stopping sucking his thumb in readiness for the dentist in April, and putting on his shoes.  At the moment he does one but then tells me he can’t undo the other – seems the velcro is too sticky, so maybe soon I’ll have to start teaching him to tie shoe laces?

What changed about your children when they hit four?

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  1. A lovely idea and great to watch the changes with time. I think mine loved macaroni cheese back then and now none of them do but on the plus side they all now love curry. #MagicMoments

    1. Yes, macaroni is definitely a favourite amongst children of that age. N’s funny with curry. We don’t have it at home because the OH doesn’t like it, but he’ll usually eat it at nursery. When I suggest it though, he turns up his nose. Maybe in future!

  2. What a sweet idea. I interview my husband from time to time about Fatherhood … I might steal this idea as soon as my little one’s old enough to speak / make sentences!

    And happiest at parties – a fine choice 🙂

    1. I think the parties is wishful thinking. Apart from one on a party bus and one at a friend’s house, he’s not really wanted to join in at all once at parties. Funny one, because then he says that he enjoys them.

  3. I love this! I did it once with Crevette when he turned 5. Must do again (thanks for the reminder!). We also have a Peppa Pig addiction (the kids, not me!) in this house. Well done little man for getting dressed on your own!

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