On the farm

Interview with an almost 2 1/2 year old

These interview questions have been going round my Facebook friends recently.

While I can have a conversation with N, he’s not really got into ‘favourites’ and ‘bests’, so I wasn’t sure how it would go.  Needless to say, even after a couple of attempts and doing a few questions at a time it’s obvious he has no concept of what a favourite thing is, or even some of the nouns.

  1. What’s your favourite colour? Natey (hmm, himself?)
  2. What’s your favourite toy? ….(looks round at his toys, no answer)
  3. What’s your favourite food? Eat up
  4. What’s your favourite tv show? Tractor Ted (what a surprise!)
  5. Where do we live? In there…shopping (so much for me teaching him the town we’re near, and that we’re on a farm)
  6. What does Mummy do? Mummy mummy
  7. What does Daddy do? Daddy’s Ralph
  8. Who’s your best friend? Katherine (err?  The only Katherine he knows is his room leader at nursery)
  9. What do you want to be when you grow up? Want to go downstairs, go on tractor
  10. What’s your favourite thing to do with Mummy? Go to a party
  11. What’s your favourite thing to do with Daddy? Go to a party
  12. If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Go watch Tractor Ted
  13. What makes you happy? Yes…happy happy Alex (sings, happy, happy, happy).
  14. What makes you sad?  Tommo (his cousin, not sure about that one!)
  15. What makes you scared? (no answer)
  16. What’s your favourite sport?  Watch Tractor Ted (theme going on here then)
  17. What’s your favourite ice cream? Yellow

It’s definitely very interesting to see how different the answers are from his peers.  Some like N are blank and don’t know what you’re asking them, others seem to be really clear and totally understand it all which is pretty amazing.

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  1. This made me laugh. I only started doing interviews with my girl when she turned three, people around the nets said that was the magic number and it worked for her, but I’m not sure my son will be ready at that time. I’ll stick to my letters till he is:)

    1. Letters are a lovely idea too. I saw it was 3 as well for asking questions. N really had not much idea at the moment, but it’s interesting how different and far ahead some of his friends are. He really has no concept of favourite/best at all!

  2. Love this post! Made me smile! Can I try this with Bob if I tag you in the post? x x

  3. Oh wow I really love this interview – I think I might try it with my little man, I am sure I will have some entertaining answers – with a few favourites being tractor ted as well – best show ever I think 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my blog

    Laura x

    1. Another Tractor Ted fan…there’s a lot of them around!

      It’ll be great to do a similar (maybe longer Q&A on each birthday to see how it changes).

    2. There’s a lot of Tractor Ted fans around. I’m planning on doing it or something more in depth each birthday, so I’ve got a record of how his likes change.

  4. How interesting how childrens minds work….
    I take it he’s a huge fan of Tractor Ted…lol

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