Diet progress 6 – Keto chocolate topped coconut fat bombs
Week 6 is probably going to be the last week of fully keto because next week is half term, and we’re away. 2 nights in hotels we’re reviewing so I’ll probably be able to stick to keto for breakfast quite easily (I’m not usually a big fan of fry ups, but I’ll probably have eggs, yoghurt and berries – not having toast or pastries while away will be hard). But dinner – and lunches eating out – will be harder. Hopefully there’ll be a basic meal on the menu like chicken or steak, or even burger that I can swap the carbs for salad.
We’re also staying at my best friend’s parents for a couple of days, so I’m not sure we’ll be able to avoid carbs there. But hopefully one evening meal and breakfast won’t be too bad on the carb front. I might make some fat bombs or low carb snacks to take with me in case we’re eating out and I’m struggling to get a simple salad.

Back to this week though, good news, my INR is now back where it should be, so obviously a hormonal drop along with the cold which can impact readings. Hopefully that’ll be it staying stable again now.
This week I’ve lost 4lb, so it’s going down steadily. Just 2lb needed to get down to the next number stone! I’m still in the same dress size (argh, takes me forever to drop a dress size), but I can take my trousers off without undoing the button. It’s just frustrating that they’re too big but the next size down is too small still. But not far to go.
Lunches were the same as usual – leftovers and salads.
Dinners weren’t as varied as usual – I’ve now got the taste of cauliflower cheese with a bit of sausage in. It’s so fast to make, I could eat it every day, but need to mix it up. I need to remember I’ve got tuna so use up and to get back to mixing up the meals better!
Dinners this week included:
- Cauliflower cheese with sausage and sugar snap peas
- Stir fry with chicken and halloumi
- Meatballs in tomato sauce with veg
- Roast chicken with veg
- Cauliflower, pepper, courgette and bacon with cheese sauce
- Deconstructed ‘fajita’ bowl – chicken, avocado, lettuce, peppers, cheese, sour cream
I also made keto coconut ‘Bounty’ fat bombs. Sometimes I’ve just wanted something sweet, as a treat. When I’m wanting something in between meals, at home I’ll usually just have a teaspoon of peanut butter. That works although I’ve a sweet tooth, so having a sweet alternative would avoid me finding normal chocolate and something non keto. So I decided I’d try some coconut fat bombs.
How to make Keto coconut fat bombs or ‘bounty style’ bites
These coconut fat bombs are delicious and a great way to have an occasional sweet treat if you can hold off eating them. They only have a few ingredients, with equal quantities of coconut butter and oil. Soften slightly to stir together, add dessicated coconut, some sweetener to taste.

I used silicone cupcake cases for mine, but you can use whatever silicone moulds you want. It doesn’t take long for the bites to store in the fridge or even the freezer.
You don’t need to include the chocolate, but if you want to coat them, either use sugar free chocolate or very dark chocolate with high cocoa solids (>72%) as that has less sugar in it.

You can also put them in the freezer until you want to eat – better if you want to take them out and about for a snack as they do soften. Next time I’ll make a bigger batch and freeze them. If you want to take them out as a snack, cover them all over in chocolate so they set better for portability.

Let’s just say, I’m glad I only made half the portions, because I just had to eat 2 on the day I made them. So I don’t think they’ll last long. I don’t want to totally sabotage my diet by scoffing tonnes of fat bombs.

Keto chocolate topped coconut fat bombs
Coconut oil based fat bombs with a Bounty chocolate hit, and only a handful of ingredients
- 75 g coconut butter (I used unflavoured)
- 75 g coconut oil
- 25 g dessicated coconut
- 0.5 tsp stevia or alternative keto friendly sweetener
- 40 g keto friendly chocolate (optional) or very dark chocolate
Soften the butter and oil slightly (I just left mine on top of the aga for a bit to
make it stir-able but not runny),Add in the dessicated coconut and sweetener and mix in.
Form into balls, put in silicone moulds or cake cases. You should get 10 out of the
ingredients, but can make them smaller or larger according to preferencePut in fridge for at least 10 minutes to harden.
If using, melt the chocolate in a bain marie or microwave. Then either coat if
you’ve made coconut balls or remove shapes from the moulds and coat and put on
greaseproof paper. Or add a teaspoonful to the top of the cake cases.Put back in the fridge to set
Recipe Notes
You can use whichever sweetener you want, but bear in mind some are sweeter than others. Start with ½ tsp and add more to taste. You don’t need to include the chocolate, but if you want to coat them, either use sugar free chocolate or very dark chocolate with high cocoa solids (>72%) as that has less sugar in it.
You can also put them in the freezer until you want to eat – probably better if you want to take them to work. If you want to take them out as a snack, then they do soften, so totally cover in chocolate so they set better for portability.
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What kind of meal plans do you have? If you’re on a diet do you eat the same as the family?