Listography: top 5 biscuits
I have a sweet tooth (personally I think it may be genetic as my mum’s a bit of a chocolate lover as well, plus we weren’t really allowed much sweet stuff as kids so think I’m rebelling against that as well!), so think this time’s Listography is perfect for me.
It’s all about the top 5 biscuits:
1, Chocolate hobnobs. Can’t beat these, crumbly, nutty, and obviously topped with chocolate
2. Chocolate Bourbons. Ok so they’re a bit boring, but they taste so nice. And, obviously you have to have a way of eating them. I like to eat off the top layer of biscuit first, then eat round the filling, then eat the bottom layer/remaining filling.

- Gingernuts. I quite like ginger flavoured things. With these biscuits they’re quite polarising…a bonus if they’re the only ones left on a biscuit plate because noone else like them.
Jaffa cake. Another ‘is it a cake or a biscuit?’ item. Ok so it may have a spongy bit inside, but basically it’s a biscuit format, found in the biscuit aisle in the supermarket. It’s also spoken about in dieter circles as pretty good as it’s low in fat (relatively of course!). ‘Full moon, half moon, total eclipse’…oops that’s the box gone.
- Shortbread. I was struggling for number 5. It could have been custard creams (was never a fan as a child particularly, but I think I like the similar method of eating to the bourbon, plus at work conference centres, these are sometimes the only biscuits left/available). Or the humble chocolate digestive. But I think as a treat, shortbread is delicious and should definitely be included. I’m not really sure whether it qualifies as a biscuit, but I’m doing so for the purpose of this list.
Forgot the jaffa cake and shortbread to my eternal shame. Here’s to individual tastes and very special ways of eating bourbons.
Good list! very similar biscuity tastes to me!
I really should have included Jaffa cakes, yummy! Homemade shortbread is fab too.
Ohhhh I love shortbread too!
Bourbons! I forgot Bourbons! Bloody lovely.