Memory keepsake ideas
Have been having more clearouts and have finally got round to properly sorting all of N’s old clothes. I’ve got 3 nicely ordered large vacuum-pack bags full of clothes (although I seem to have mislaid some of his 0-3 month outfits – maybe he had fewer than I thought?!), now just to suck them up to shrink them and put them in the attic.
Have also found a few items which were newborn size which weren’t worn, so those have gone on ebay (thankfully it’s a free listing weekend which is brilliant as I’ve put on lots of unwanted clothes and gifts etc). I’ve also chosen a few sleepsuits and vests which coordinate to be made into a keepsake memory blanket. Unfortunately as we didn’t know whether we were having a boy or girl, all his newborn items were pretty much white, white and more white…so most of my favourite sleepsuits/vests have been 0-3 or 3-6month ones.
As well as memory blankets, most crafters also make memory rabbits, elephants & other animals, so it’s worth keeping a watch out for other ideas. It’s a lovely idea to save some favourite ‘first’ clothes rather than just selling them or giving them away to put in a keepsake box for the baby. I’m some way down the waiting list, but can’t wait to see what it’ll be like.
What I can’t believe is how small N actually was when he was born. As he was 9lb 5, all the comments were how big a newborn he was…but looking at his first vests & sleepsuits compared to how big he is now, he really was small (just not as small as some babies!).

Here’s a latest picture of him – I love this one where he’s laughing at his dad. He’s a really cheery baby (apart from when he’s crying for food, or grouching about his hurting gums), and loves a camera so we get lots of fabulous photos.