Month of Firsts – December
I had December’s post for Month of Firsts all planned out, and then when it got to yesterday published something else instead. Oops. So a day late.
I was a bit worried that after November, we wouldn’t have many firsts, but we turned out to have quite a few.
In December we,
Went ice skating (outside)
I’ve obviously been ice skating lots before, but have always wanted to skate outside…my dream was always central park, or at least with a historic backdrop, so Millets Farm wasn’t quite completing my dream goal, but it was a first outside for me, and for N a first time ice skating. Hopefully next year he’ll be more willing to actually skate than just sit on the skate aid.
Talked in Santa’s grotto
Not just once, but twice. Ok so it took a while for N to get talking on both occasions, but then once he got started it was pretty hard to stop him. At Hatton Adventure World’s, grotto, we went in ahead of our friend, but came out afterwards. We did have a chatty Santa, but I think he’d met his match once N got started.
Met Thomas the Tank Engine
We visited Thomas and Friends at the Didcot Railway Centre. N was so excited about riding on Thomas (and he’s not even a particular fan of the show, although he does like the books). He loved building the bridges (maybe I’ve got a future engineer on my hands?), and it was a really lovely day out.
On the way we also got chatting about the power station towers, so N also learnt a bit about how we get power and what happened when the tower was knocked down.
Got a first proper Lego set
N has got duplo, and had a Lego advent calendar but he’s never had a proper Lego set. Granny & Gramps bought him a Lego castle set for Christmas, so we’ve been having fun building that. And now he’s trying to combine the Lego with Duplo. Hopefully this will be the start of some fun creations and buildings.
Made a first toy purchase
For Christmas, the OH picked up a new (big boy) die cast Britains tractor for N, complete with trailer just like the one on the farm. N loves his trailer, but decided he wanted some animals to go with it. My brother has animals with his Britains models, but they’ve not been passed on to N yet, so I said he could use some money he’d been given for ‘jobs’ on the farm, and unspent holiday money.
So we headed into town, remembering that I had a 20% off birthday voucher to use for toys. N chose his own toy animals (crikey they’re expensive), took them to the counter, and handed over his money. I had to take the change because he’d grabbed the bag and was wandering off, but he’d made his first purchase all on his own, and he was very pleased with his new animals.
So a few rites of passage, with N almost four. I’m sure January will bring lots more firsts too.
Now it’s over to you. If you’ve got any firsts to share, whether they’re individual or family ones, they can be linked up.

We went ice skating too in December. My eldest loved it. We have also met thomas back in April last year – same fat controller as the one in your photo 🙂
He was a great Fat Controller. Really nice guy and looked the part (better than the baldy in the books!)
Aww how lovely, what a fab linky! Love the photo on the skate aid, I bet he loved that 🙂
Thanks Sonia. He loved sitting on it, not so much trying to actually stand up on the ice!
What a great month of firsts. Thanks for joining Linked
Ahh December is a great months for firsts for little ones, so many special things. Looks like you had lts of fun. Mich x
Thanks for your comment. Yep, lots of fun, although I find it is hard to do something different as so much in December is habit and tradition
Wow lots of exciting things, I love the ice skating picture, so cute! Thanks so much for linking up to #TheList x
Some great firsts, lovely milestones to look back on
Thanks Julie. I love recording these. I just wish I’d started them earlier instead of in a written notepad
What a great list of firsts. We went ice skating in Hyde Park this year which was totally awesome and one of our firsts
Would be lovely to skate in Hyde Park. Although must have been busy? Thanks for stopping by and commenting
Sounds like a fantastic month of firsts. We went ice skating too for the first time and also spent more time on the seal than the ice. Fantastic memories, thanks for sharing <3
I think the seals are great because having a seat means you get to stay on the ice longer. But the penguins I’ve seen elsewhere would probably be better for N because he’d have to skate then. He did give it a brief go. Maybe next year?! Thanks for commenting