Month of Firsts – January
Although January’s been manic with work and homelife, lots of parties, as well as getting back into things post Christmas, on the firsts front it’s been pretty quiet. I’ve been scanning my brain trying to remember, because I’ve forgotten to write them down.
Here’s our firsts for January
In January,
N turned Four
I suppose a birthday counts for a first. I’ve not noticed much difference to him (compared with when he turned 3 and instantly became an obstinate threenager). We did agree previous to his birthday that being four would mean N would have to get himself dressed on his own in the mornings. On his actual birthday that did actually happen…but since then it’s still a task that isn’t always followed.
We had a playdate without parents
For N’s birthday instead of a party (which we’ll probably do in the summer again), he invited his cousin and a friend over for tea. His cousin comes over to play a lot when they’re bored of helping their dads on the farm, but it was the first playdate N had had, where he’s had a non-family friend to play without parents being there.
It was probably a bigger event for me than it was for N of course. The 3 boys played really nicely together despite there being an odd number. They sat down and had their tea nicely too. Only one crying bout from N who knocked his mouth when they’d been making boy ‘sandwiches’ lying on top of each other, so I’d say it was a success.
I made a chinese meal from scratch
Obviously I’ve made lots of stir fries in the past, but I’ve never made a sauce from scratch. When I saw this caramelised cashew chicken stir fry recipe over at Carlsbad Cravings, I knew I had to try it. It did take a lot longer to prepare than it said, but it was really delicious.
N made me breakfast
As I mentioned in my Project 365 this week, N made me breakfast for the first time…a cheese raisin bread sandwich, Interesting combination but one of his favourites.
N pooed in the bath
Ew, yep it’s taken 4 years but it was bound to happen at some point. Luckily it was after his dad had got out of the bath after his shower. Here’s hoping it won’t happen again.
If you’ve got any firsts to share, whether yourself, your child or family, then do come and link up below. The linky’s open for a couple of weeks.

I am loving everyone’s January round ups. Looks like most are making the most of the crappy weather and having so much fun. Like you here. Lovely captures. Thank you ever so much for linking up to Share With Me. #sharewithme
Thanks Jenny. I’m hoping to get out a bit more during the day now the days are getting a bit longer, to get some more photography, and just get a bit healthier really. So hard when the weather’s so rubbish.
Lots of firsts in January. Thanks for joining Linked