Month of Firsts 11 – Flumes, school and camping
It’s been a busy month, ending with the nightmare of no internet, hence the delay in writing up our Month of Firsts for this month. Lack of decent internet is the annoying thing about living In the sticks, and there never seems to be an improvement in site. Or there is, and then you’re let down and it doesn’t work.
But onto this month’s firsts. In July, N
Went camping for the first time
We had our first camping holiday with a group of other mums and children. It was highly anticipated, and we were extremely lucky with the weather, only having one bad day. N loved it – the freedom, independence, being with lots of other children, sleeping in the tent and lots of eating outside. He slept really well, me not so much, and not compared to camping trips when I was younger.
N also had the opportunity to explore the campsite without me. It was great only being on one field because we could see the playground from where our tents were, and it was small enough for N to be able to easily find his way back. He would take himself off to the toilet block on his own during the day, telling me to not come or to stand outside. And one day he was allowed to go off to the shop with some of the slightly older children. It must be weird being able to essentially run wild on the campsite but then all rules apply when being back at home again – not just roaming on the farm, or telling me where he’s going rather than just wandering off.
The camping trip was also the first time I’ve ever cooked on an outdoor stove. Ok, so I’ve toasted marshmallows on fires lit by other people, but no cooking of my own accord. But camping means I had to cook 1 or 2 meals a day on the stove. It was really simple and nothing to be scared of, but it did feel nice to have been able to tick that off and not worry about it anymore.
Went on a ‘flume’ water ride
N’s not really a dare devil, but he’s gradually building up to bigger rides at theme parks or the fair. On our holiday to Weymouth, we went to the Sealife Centre there which has several rides. Most are smaller kiddy rides, but there’s a water ‘flume’ style ride.
N had spotted it while they were just about to open it for visitors, and decided he wanted us to have a go on it. It looked pretty tame to me, given the size of rides I’ve been on before, but I did wonder if he’d stay in the queue and go on it, once he’d seen a few people have their go. But there was no turning back – he was in the carriage as soon as he could and loved it. Mostly because we got wet I think.
Had his school settling in day
N’s school only have one morning or day (depending on the child’s wants) for settling in, and is done on their ‘transition’ day, so all children move up to their next class.
He had a brilliant time – what child wouldn’t want to spend most of the day doing free flow play and therefore being outside in the rainy and wet playground in shorts, t shirts and sandals – he got a bit mixed up with indoor/outdoor shoes!. Although he did say they sat at tables for a bit and had a story.
Most of his uniform’s been bought and ordered, and we’ve just gone in and bought school shoes today…£49 later! Here’s hoping the dual sizing will give him longer wear out of them, and the fact that they wear trainers/wellies outdoors might meant they don’t get wrecked as quickly.
What firsts have you and your families been up to this month? If you have a post, or want to write one about your firsts, them do link up.

That is a big month of firsts. Cannot wait to take the girls on their first log flume ride. Love the sleeping in the tent photo. Thanks for joining Linked
It was fun, although the last time we queued for a water ride at Legoland, we got to the top and then he decided he didn’t want to go on it. I wasn’t impressed. Thanks for stopping by,